PS JailBreak PS3 Exploit Goes Free, Open Source

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[citation][nom]cewhidx[/nom]I kind of disagree....downloading a torrent isnt the same as shoplifting from a store....the end user just picked up what was available, someone had to copy it & put it up there first. Its like finding a stolen $20 bill in the street. Who's the bigger problem? The guy who stole it, or the joe schmoe that found it and put it in his pocket?[/citation]

Fair enough, I can concede that it's not the same as taking the disc from the store, but personally I disagree with your analogy. The context of your argument implies that the person who cracked and distributed the game no longer bears the benefits of his actions. But I do see your point of it not being the same as the actual theft of the physical property.

Either way, I'm reluctant to say it's right or wrong, especially considering that I have done it in the past (and I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that almost everyone who's commented on this thread has), but the bottom line is that it's against the law, and legally defined as theft. I may not agree with it, but it's true nonetheless.
[citation][nom]montezuma[/nom]I can make copies of movies I own and it is perfectly legal for me to play the copies.[/citation]

Respectfully, no, it's not (at least, not in the states; not sure where you're from). That's what the FBI warning at the start of the DVD tells you, that it's illegal to make copies of that disc in any way.

Unless there's been a recent ruling / law passed that I'm not privy to?
[citation][nom]FlynnSerlant[/nom]Respectfully, no, it's not (at least, not in the states; not sure where you're from). That's what the FBI warning at the start of the DVD tells you, that it's illegal to make copies of that disc in any way. [...] rnings.phpUnless there's been a recent ruling / law passed that I'm not privy to?[/citation]
You dont know what country this guy is in
Respectfully, if the FBI told me in the UK to do something...
I would respectfully tell them to go fish
[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]You dont know what country this guy is inRespectfully, if the FBI told me in the UK to do something...I would respectfully tell them to go fish[/citation]

I did clarify. "At least, not in the states; not sure where you're from"
[citation][nom]Warsaw[/nom]You sir, are a fool. Blind sided by the fact that it's not always about either the money or the DRM. But, sometimes it's about sticking it to the "man"...or in this case Activision (screw that CEO!). You also have Ubisoft with their terrible DRM mock-up that deserves not a cent from anyone until they can come up with either no DRM, or something that is not as intrusive and depends on your connection. Some companies just don't "get" it. Gamers are a different breed of a consumer. We are definitely more vocal (especially the PC gamer), and will not succumb to just poor ports or their sorry excuse for trying to obtain more money. There is also the case of companies taking away our right to own the game and instead trying to implement a license of a game instead. I for one feel that if you buy a media, you OWN it. It doesn't exactly mean you can copy it for anyone and everyone, but I do believe you should be able to do whatever you want with it for yourself. Examples being burning an extra copy, ripping it to your hard drive, and not having a damn CD-check system. /Rant over and done[/citation]

Sorry Warsaw if you took my post the wrong way but im not a fool. I totally agree with you about sticking it to the man(but just in another way), and that those companies are doing some terrible things to the industry and it does need to change. But pirating is not the way to bring change IMHO.

I am a part of those gamers you speak of that dont want to be fed DRM, terrible ports, or EULA that say your just renting your game.

And your also right that they just dont get it, they still think that thier solving the problem and pirates still think they are protesting for change.

This debate has been heated and in the open for a few years and not much if anything has changed besides this comes to mind(,10944.html). Games are still pirated, DRM still there, still need internet connection, disk checks ect...
*Anti Piracy people* Durp derp, this is why we have bad games, it can't possibly be because their's now people investing in companies like EA, Blizzard, and Atari.

You know what? How's about you be a game dev for a big publisher? You know what you do? You get turned from an artist into a machine. You don't make a new game you make a sequel, or a game that blatiently rips off older games. (Metalstorm reaks of the pain series having unprotected sex with the U3 engine and the Metalstorm being the bastard child). When's the last time you saw a new series get put out? One that isn't backed by a major label, and was pushed into becoming vanilla when it was originally going to be peppermint chocolate chip? Last time I can recall was 2007. That's 3 years it's been since we had a truely DIFFERENT game that was -FUN!- I'm sick of the Haloz the Moduuurn chocolate milk fight and honestly, they all are bliping counter strike rehashes. (Tell me all the tactics used in CS can't directly translate into Halo. They all play the same, aim for the head, throw grenades around corners)

So until I get a game that is groundbreaking, I'm gonna pirate it to demo it. I'm not going to sit through a demo filled with hand picked sections of the game (basically getting the best part of the game and then so many think that the entire game is at least that good).

I've bought 5 single games this year and a developer pack (thank you steam) this year and those are sells well earned. (Good job Rockstar, good job THQ, great stuff GSC Game World.) Till I see another good game I'll keep my money and NOT buy the crappy vanilla titles. Instead giving it eagerly for my next scoop of Cookies and Cream, or Bunny Tracks.
I have a solution. Stop making console ported games. PCs can run better graphics now, anyway. For people that have older PCs, too bad. It's not like you can run Halo 3 on a Sega Dreamcast, anyway.
[citation][nom]TommySch[/nom]The more console piracy there is, the better. Less incentives to shove cheap ass console ports down our throat.[/citation]

Agreed fully! We need less console ports.
A lot of people here yammering on that don't know much of anything about Masoli and the circumstances of his "run-ins" with the law. Why don't you go familiarize yourself with the truth of the matter. He has made mistakes, clearly, but don't continue to label him as a thief or some kind of #### without getting your facts straight.

umm yeah that about sums it up for me back in '01 when i was a hardcore pc gamer, living with the parents(high school) and using all my after school cheddar to build the fastest rig in town to PWN at lan parties... now i don't even have a PC gaming rig because i don't have any PC gaming friends who aren't social retards, in which case i have no reason to virtualy socialize with that person. all my friends play over the PSN or XBL however. games like star craft 2 and diablo III will force me to buy a new mid level gaming rig.
it truely dosent matter how few people will be pirating the games piracy is bad and a slap in the face of the people who spent hours and hours programming the games. Plus piracy will always be 10x more rampant on pc thats why game devs have been ditching the pc and marketing on consoles these days.
[citation][nom]Smochina[/nom]So, at the same time you guys complain about crappy games, restrictive hardware and obtrusive DRM, but rejoice whenever someone hacks it so that you can ILLEGALLY play games on it. Furthermore, you somehow have the right to criticize other people's work, which you never payed for.What a bunch of retards.[/citation]
We would pay for it if it was worth paying for; and yes why would we not rejoice? Homebrew ftw.. we already have Apple behind our a**es being so restrictive and what not... don't need any more of that/
[citation][nom]L0tus[/nom]So you basically paid ~$400 for a Blu Ray player. *palm to forehead*[/citation]
A few years ago it was one of the best and cheapest blu ray players. So if you were looking for a blu ray player, and bought a PS3, it makes a lot of sense.[citation][nom]assmar[/nom]I have one Japanese import PS1 game I haven't been able to play in the years since my ps1 plug in mod chip was swiped by some nefarious character. I don't know if this is for me, just so I can play some Japanese version of Metal Slug, but I'm tempted.[/citation]So you're typing this on a PS3 and you don't own a PC that was built within the past 10 years? Get a emulator already.
[citation][nom]eddieroolz[/nom]Agreed fully! We need less console ports.[/citation]Yes, YES! Whine about too many console ports. Then when you get less console ports, whine about such-and-such game being console-exclusive.

Welcome to the age of TEH INTARWEBS! Single player PC gaming was killed by a number of factors, including rampant piracy. I had friends in school that only paid for games that they couldn't pirate. I even knew people that would only play Diablo II and Starcraft on a LAN because they pirated it. The only PC games that do really well these days are ones that have a strong multiplayer element and you need a valid key to play, and/or a monthly fee. If it is easy to pirate, it will be pirated. Console games this generation have been more difficult to pirate (for the average gamer) and so I can't blame developers for largely targeting them.

That doesn't deter me from playing PC games and console games, mind you. But I love watching fellow PC gamers whinge about the lack of games, and then whinge about "teh crappar pr0tz!!11" then end up with, while busily pirated the latest games and software.
Waiting for the iPod touch/iPhone port. With the N900 psfreedom, my discs can rest without being scratched more. No matter how good I avoid scratching those discs, others seem to accidentally scratch them.
How many 20gb Blu-Ray equivalent games could my 60gb PS3 hold?
This doesn't even sound useful.

Besides, I don't think I've turned it on in six months.
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