Come on you can't accuse everyone who has an opposing opinion to yours as being paid off by MS. Just because a site preferred the Xbox One over the PS4 doesn't mean anything besides the fact that they simply liked one a little bit more the other. Not everyone is going to have the same opinion, that's the way the world works. Like I mentioned previous with the last gen, the PS3 on paper was the more powerful machine, but it didn't matter to the average user. Unless you have both side by side, you will not notice the difference. It all boils down to other things like exclusives, UI, online experience....really the whole package. If graphics was the only thing that mattered, we'd all be playing on gaming PCs, and consoles would never sell. It's not like they trashed the PS4, and seriously, how does this one review affect you in any way, shape or form? Will Sony send you a check for every positive review? Go buy what you want and be happy.