PS5 Pro is overpriced — here’s why I’m buying one anyway


Mar 25, 2018
All game consoles are a luxury purchase because they are not a necessity .......

Everyone complains about the global economy but seems to ignore that Sony has to deal with the same thing and the cost to manufacture and the cost of components have also gone up in price. Cost for labor has also gone up. I look at what this brings to the table from the standpoint of an electronics engineer with 31+ years experience and I'm not the least bit surprised at the cost. A new much more advanced APU, a larger power supply to handle it and a new better cooling solution to handle the extra power while making it fit in the existing case, R&D costs that take longer to get back because it is a lower volume product .... I'm was not the least bit surprised at the cost since I've seen the cost increases of the products I design the past 4 years too. If it cost any less they would be losing money especially with few big name exclusives on the horizon

Consoles have always used a variation of the old "razor blade" business model where you give away the razor and make your money selling razor blades. With consoles they sell at cost initially and they make their money selling you games and services