Play Station 5 is way better then Xbox PS5 is cheaper They raised the price of Xbox as well 3.8 GHz &12.0 teraflop just a few points difference that is only for operating system! both Systems can go up to 8K Resolution PS5 it is faster. Thay are both close spec wise depending on game but with Xbox Series S it is a big drawback compared to the X I'd say a lot of people are mad about Xbox buys Activision Blizzard everybody is thinking just Call of Duty is the issue it is not just that Sony & Activision works together on different titles like Sony did buy Bungie Destiny 2 Activision is part of as well its ok if Activision Blizzard is owned by XBOX they should not take away titles of games just to make it exclusive but I can see Activision Blizzard can make new IPs exclusive to Xbox but I'd say why it's going to make money regardless of platform i would say Xbox started the Whole Cross play idea to get it more out there. Sony is better they are putting handy cap controller's and Pro and the PSVR2 and PS5 Pro well be coming and Slim and TV / Movies of Game like HBO The Last of US. Microsoft is being SUED by Gamers and FTC and Nvidia and Sony and Google and it's not just the Activision Blizzard deal constituting a market monopoly like making it harder/ difficult for users to install competing software and simultaneously making it difficult to uninstall I'd say because of windows 11 plus Microsoft lays off 10,000 workers I'd say that's bad.
1 PS5 is not faster... at all
2 XBOX has faster loading
3 XBOX has faster optimization
4 XBOX has better graphics
5 XBOX has less faulty features or mistakes
6 XBOX has never gave their prices a rise... They literally said that they will never do that unless the console became Far Far superior to the last and unlike PS they understood that it wasn't far superior enough to charge 700-900 bucks for... I'm surprised that they lowered the prices on the PS5
7 XBOX's storage works better and longer
8 If you prefer both consoles you can literally see how much better an XBOX is than a PlayStation
9 XBOX has quick resume which quickly loads up any game that's verified with it after the console has been shut off... PlayStation you still have to wait for that loading screen for GTA which doesn't even happen for XBOX anymore, that's just how fast it loads which brings us to
10 You still have to wait for a lot of games loading screens... with my xbox I haven't had to wait for a loading screen since I got it and on my PS5 I have to wait what feels like 10 minutes just for a games loading screen to be complete
11 Game Pass Has Better Deals, it's like netflix but for games...
Xbox Overthrows PlayStation by a lot with everything but these 3 things. Controller, Home Screen & Exclusive Games... Nothing Else... Mainly for the controller because they took the design of an xbox controller, made it look more alien like and put a lot of motors in it to simulate game movement, BUT if you want to get a good option go for PlayStation mainly because it has all the games based off of the movies, Xbox basically has all the same games as PS of course the exclusives