Psychologist: Twitter Makes You Stupid

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I wouldn't doubt it honestly, it's kinda on the same lines as rap, how much can you butcher the language before you begin to lose something, be it language skills, IQ, general intelligence, common sense, or all of the above. Being a high school Junior, I am sometimes appalled at the amount of people who just can't spell for beans. It's sad really. Now I don't text much, and even when I use Facebook, AIM, or text, it's FULL words but with abbreviated grammar and sentence structure (if any). And I'm still a good English student, none the worse because I don't over-do it. i has good english, how 'bout u?
... only if you use it to an extreme. Just like drinking beer, it makes you fat and kills your braincells... if you use it to an extreme.

I believe intelligence is also genetic. If you aren't genius, you will never be one. Same goes for if you aren't a moron (ie: actual retard), you will never be one (assuming you don't get into anything major ie accident).
And sadly, when folks point out a spelling error or an inappropriately used word, they are labeled as a grammar nazi. It's too bad when all they wanted to do was help others not be so stoooopid.
Yep, the truth comes out. But it kind of alarms me about YouTube doing the same thing. I spend lots of time on YouTube but it depends on what you watch... like if all you watch is internet viral videos... yep...
About youtube making you dumb.... uh... duh. It's the same as sitting around watching TV all day.

Instant gratification = bad for attention spa.... ooh! A birdie!

I'm pretty sure we all knew that already. Then again, considering the popularity of youtube, twitter, and texting, maybe we've forgotte... PENNY!!!
twitter is for twats, of course it makes you stupid.

i can proudly say that, while i'm an IT technician who works for an ISP spending a majority of my waking hours on the internet, I have yet so much as bring up the stupid site.
I truly believe ALL social networking sites are "NOW" ridiculous. When they first were introduced, they were "good ideas". Now it is just plain RI-FU**ING-DICULOUS. Twitter?? TWITTER?? WHY DIDN'T YOU LEAVE ME A TWEET TODAY! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! GET A LIFE!
And to think all those days I skipped school to play master of orion, Sim city or civilization back in the 90's was actually more productive than going to school. LOL well I got all C's and D's in high school never went to college. Yet I am a self taught engineer who makes double than my wife who has a Master's.
Finally Some one speaks out against this. I hope that this crap will be dropped so those damn retards from MSNBC, CNN, and FOX News can stop talking about it. "oh John, from Tweeter, says blah blah..." who cares?
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