Question about HDMI

Slav Povstianoj

Aug 8, 2013
I have surround sound speakers with subwoofer connected to my PC. I want to connect my PC to my TV using HDMI cable, so that the video is played on my TV, but the sound is played on my PC. Right now, when I connect it via HDMI cable, the sound gets muted on my PC and is only played on a TV.
-Plug the HDMI lead into the TV.
-Control Panel > Sound > Under "Playback" change the playback device to "Speakers" (or whichever your surround is listed as).
Most GPU software utilities allow for selecting the audio output device manually - if it is set to automatic, it will automatically switch to HDMI (at least my experience). There should be a setting to "not allow automatic switching".

Thanks, that helped. Never thought that it'd be so simple.