Question question on the 23-b010 aio pc

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Aug 20, 2016
this is not about a laptop but i did not see the desktop area so i have a hp all in one pc that is the 23-b010 model and it seems to have the 1.7 ghz processor in it that is slower than the dickens. so i got it on a chance that it might work and it does work but slow. so by any chance does anyone happen to know if i drop in an ssd drive and up the memory from 8gb to say 16gb if that may do any good? i got if for the wife to try out and see if it actually is any good and for the big screen as the 15" laptop screens are getting a bit to small for old eyes now days. last night it took over 6 hours to finish the install that goodwill put on it and then i took that off and put win10 pro on it today and that took maybe 4 hours to finish. and she tried playing some of her games and it just about crashed. it is suppost to have a 1000mbps lan card and that is only 100mbps so i may have to find a new driver for that or take it out and get another one. but before i go to the trouble i have to ask if the ssd and menory may do any good? if not i will box it back up and put it on craigs list as a workinable pc.

thanks for any ideas and help
just get rid of it
a SSD will boost the boot times, but no games
8GB of RAM are usually very good already for such a machine, upgrading it wouldn´t matter
it´s a Dual Core E2-1800 which doesn´t work well with games in any ways


Aug 20, 2016
thanks, the games she plays are not the road or warrier games she plays casino games online that are the same you play on the phone so she gets her gambling fix without actually going to the casinos and spending money.

i set this one up yesterday and she liked the screen size and the online for email facebook and her medical stuff and she said seemed better than the probook but then she started the casino games and it kind of hung up on them.

she was using a probook that she said ran kind of slow but faster than this 23 aio that i set up for her so she went back to that probook then i found out that i did not put the ssd drive she had in her smaller probook so i swapped that into the larger probook and she told me the larger probook ran real fast. so putting that ssd in the probook made quite a difference.

so that is why i asked if by chance i put that ssd into the 23-b010 aio machine that it just might get a bit faster and if i upped the memory from 8gb to 16gb if that might help.

one thing i found out online in a few forums was the 23-b010 seems to run the processor at 100% so today i will power it up and take a look more under the hood at the processor to see if this one is running full boar and if so see if i can stop some processes to slow it down so it might be usable.

but a second idea i had was to change out the mother board with one that has a faster processor, i found a aio mother board that has the intel processor in it and i asked the seller if it might fit of course he said no because he does not know. but it look like the componets are located the same and the power is the same and the cpu is swappable but this one comes with the intel processor, so if anyone has swapped out the nother board on one of these 23-b010 aio machines and it worked let me know. the mother board was the

HP Pavilion 23-P Motherboard Mainboard 730935-001 Intel

in the lavender-u motherboard series and used in the 23-p series model aio pc

so i was looking at a HP Pavilion 23-P Motherboard Mainboard 730935-001 Intel mother board to see if i changed that out if it might make a difference? has anyone changed out the 23-b010 mother board to one that was faster and or had a removable processor? or chnaged out the processor on the 23-b010 board? i know it is a long shot but for what she does with it just email and facebook and some casino games for fun.



Aug 20, 2016
i don't think that is the reason. i do see the cpu is running at 99% so that is taking all the resources and lots of complaints on that being a possible reason these run so poorly
my probook runs the same programs and is running at 25% now so being the aio has 2 cores and the probook has 4 cores may be the big reason the aio is doing so poorly. i'm looking into changing the mother board out for a 23-p series lavender u mother board if they are the same size and the components will plug into the lavender-u motherboard. the components plug into the lavender board from the side and they plug into the b series board the same as the usb and power ports, but like i say if they will plug into the side ports then that lavender p series board just may work.


Aug 20, 2016
yes it is. it looks like it is just a slow machine and it is just not possible to do much with it. at this time i'm restoring it back to day one and will put it up on craigs list and see if i can rip a screen off a spare probook i have and then get a larger monitor and just use the laptop main body as the pc and a larger hdmi screen for the monitor. thanks
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