Quick question about Torrent Programs


Apr 22, 2011
It has been said that most torrent programs (eg/ BitTorrent) do not have an option to automatically stop a torrent after download has been completed, and also forces you to have at least a Seed Ratio of 1, in order to discourage leeching behaviour.

However, almost all popular torrent programs have an option called "Quit when Downloads Complete", which closes the program as soon as the download is complete, even if the seeding goal is not reached (and most likely won't have considering upload speeds are usually quite slow).

In contrast, the option "Quit when Everything Completes" closes the program once both the download and seeding goals for the torrent completes, which is understandable.

So my question here is why does the former option of "Quit when Downloads Complete" even exist, if the goal is to stop people from leeching? Afterall it's virtually identical to a "Stop torrent when Downloads Complete" option.

Am I missing out on something XD


The only reason not to close the program is proper internet ettiquette. If you are going to take something for free, then you should give back too.

If your router & firewall are setup correctly, than you are uploading data at the same time you are downloading, so you should get decent download speeds. If your router or firewall is preventing others from making a connection to you, then your download speed will be decreased.