Radiosophy's HD Radio

Not a word about how the thing sounds. Too bad.

$100 is okay for a decent-sounding radio, on the order of a Boston Acoustics Receptor or a Tivoli Audio Model One. And it would be a shame to waste that HD fidelity.

But $100 is too much to spend for a new way to get crappy sounding radio, digital or not.
I have a 2nd Radi osophy HD 100, which I acquired to listen to KOHM HD 2 here in Lubbock, TX. Neither radio came with instructions. The radio freezes, or turns off after an hour (or less) of listening. Please send me an instruction booklet--or tell me where to go online to get instructions.


Removed personal details -- don't put stuff like that out on the internet or you are asking for trouble.
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