
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

I have recently upgraded to IPA 4700.

On occasions there is, what might best be called, a random cursor behaviour
where the cursor moves continuously , cycling from right to left or, bottom
to top. This was first noticed in Word in landscape format, but it can
happen on the Today screen in portrait form. Clearly this is a s/w glitch of
some sort, so is there a patch to sort this out please?

Any helpful comments will be appreciated.

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

"Nigel Albright" <nda@dsl.pipex.com> wrote in message
>I have recently upgraded to IPA 4700.
> On occasions there is, what might best be called, a random cursor
> behaviour where the cursor moves continuously , cycling from right to left
> or, bottom to top. This was first noticed in Word in landscape format, but
> it can happen on the Today screen in portrait form. Clearly this is a s/w
> glitch of some sort, so is there a patch to sort this out please?
> Any helpful comments will be appreciated.

I had a laptop with a capacitance sensor for the mouse pad (like many do
today), but it was static sensitive. After use for a while it would act
erratically. Stepping away from it, touching the ground, touching metal
close by, all would restore operation. Eventually I started using a USB
mouse, avoiding the issue.

In your case, not sure if this could be the issue but if you set the device
completely down on another object, removing your hand, touch something else
for second, then pick it up again does it start behaving better?

Sounds silly, I know, but a quick test will at least let you eliminate the
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

"Nigel Albright" <nda@dsl.pipex.com> wrote in message
| I have recently upgraded to IPA 4700.
| On occasions there is, what might best be called, a random cursor
| where the cursor moves continuously , cycling from right to left or,
| to top. This was first noticed in Word in landscape format, but it
| happen on the Today screen in portrait form. Clearly this is a s/w
glitch of
| some sort, so is there a patch to sort this out please?
| Any helpful comments will be appreciated.
| Nigel

Your caps lock also seems to get stuck on whatever you sent your mail
from- check your subject line.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 11:22:58 -0000, "alan smith"
<alan@REMOVEmral.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:

>| happen on the Today screen in portrait form. Clearly this is a s/w
>glitch of
>| some sort, so is there a patch to sort this out please?
>| Any helpful comments will be appreciated.
>Your caps lock also seems to get stuck on whatever you sent your mail
>from- check your subject line.

Yeah I noticed that too. Do you think they might be related ? ;-))
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 08:26:14 -0000, "Nigel Albright"
<nda@dsl.pipex.com> wrote:

>I have recently upgraded to IPA 4700.
>On occasions there is, what might best be called, a random cursor behaviour
>where the cursor moves continuously , cycling from right to left or, bottom
>to top. This was first noticed in Word in landscape format, but it can
>happen on the Today screen in portrait form. Clearly this is a s/w glitch of
>some sort, so is there a patch to sort this out please?
>Any helpful comments will be appreciated.
Since this is a week after the original post you've probably already
figured it out, but if not, here's the most likely cause. You're
pressing on the touchpad at the bottom of the Ipaq. It's like putting
your hands on the touchpad of your laptop while typing.

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Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
Groucho Marx

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