
Jan 5, 2013
I am a Google Chrome user on Win7 64 bit. Last night I started getting this unprompted download of a file called setup.exe. I know this is a common name for windows programs to use but my issue is that, as I said, it downloads without a prompt. I have been at my computer every time it downloads (has happened three times within about an 8 hour period) and every time I use the option to show it in the folder. It does seem to at least stay in the downloads folder.

I then use my Zone Alarm antivirus to scan the file and each time ZA says that it is a Trojan and it proceeds to Treat it, which seems to just involve deleting it. The third time it downloaded it I checked its properties before scanning it with ZA and looked at its digital signature. Sadly, atm I can't remember what it said, but I remember that I hadn't heard of anything legit with that name and it actually sounded fishy, not to mention the signature was all in caps, which also strikes me as odd, though I can't say with certainty that no legit company has ever done all caps for their signature...

Anyways... obviously there is something else happening if it keeps downloading unprompted, so while I can take care of the file I would like to know if anyone has had experience or can guess as to why it keeps downloading. I have the download history open and I will copy/paste the link for the file with spaces, so that if it is harmful you can't just click it.

ht tp s: // in st al l. oi ns ta ll er 9. co m/ o/ fl as hp la ye rp ro /s et up .e xe ?f il ed es cr ip ti on =f la sh pl ay er pr o& su

and it cuts out there, and I don't know how to show it all, but in case that split up link is too hard to read, the big parts that stand out are "oinstaller9" and "flashplayerpro". I suppose it is possible that it is just a flash player update, but as far as I know there should be a prompt to update, instead of just downloading to the generic download folder and being classified as a trojan with a weird signature. :??:


Jan 5, 2013

I already checked my plugins, as I have had an issue with something there before, but I have zero plugins installed through Chrome :( but yeah, I would never run a .exe without knowing what it was for, which shouldn't be a problem if I purposely downloaded an application lol


Dec 18, 2005
To see if it's chrome triggering the download, close chrome and install firefox. Switch your default browser to firefox for a bit, see if it triggers firefox to download the same setup.exe


Jan 5, 2013

I had thought of trying that. Though I am pretty sure it is a Chrome issue, and even with this I have had far fewer issues with Chrome than any other browser. I believe it is a Chrome issue because my first unsuccessful web searches around this issue everyone was saying it was in Chrome. Although it could be that they just happened to be using Chrome as well. I will try another browser for a day or two and see if it keeps happening, though either way I would hate to get stuck using a browser other than Chrome because I like it so much. Hopefully a fellow samaritan will come along and know exactly what is happening here and how to fix it haha.