Razer Blade 14" Recovery



Hello guys,
Ive bought this beautiful guy and it came yesterday. And I was thinking to use windows 7 so I tried to install, but the hard disk said something about gbt so I needed to delete all patitions. And I did it without taking backup for that recovery disk. Because I though that it will remain(go easy on me).
So I have contacted them they said they have a recovery stick which can be purchased and asked for a lot of more information. Of course I have sent them but is there any other way that I can find this info?
like maybe someone just copied that image file and uploaded?
or maybe there is some other way to do that?

Huseyin Kezer

Jul 14, 2013
ok it looks like it is almost impossible.
They will send me a recovery stick also, I managed to install windows 8, but it is not activated because, it didnt accept my key which is located under my computer. It says that it is valid but not ok .. so I am now using evolution version of win8 till recovery comes.
Also I sseaarched for windows 8 for razer (this is the name of the label at the backside of the computer).
I hope they will be quick because this is not good, I cannot even used that serial number on the same computer without their version of windows.


Jan 6, 2014
Hi, I was wondering if you ever got any help. In a similar bind trying to find a recovery image online so I can put windows 8 back on. I did the same thing and deleted the recovery partition. Go us! :)