We have an acer aspire 7535-5020 laptop - came preinstalled W7 and an ATI Radeon HD3200 Graphics.
When we 1st got it, it played the few games that I liked with no problems. Bejeweled 3 and 2 and Twist. We got those through the acer games icon that connects to wild tagent.
Anyhow, they worked fine.
Near the end of this year, we had 2 computer issues and I ended up doing 2 total factory reinstalls with my backup cd's.
My Bejeweled games are now very choppy and laggy in play.
Any suggestions as to what to look for and hopefully, in simple english. LOL Spock or Data, i am not.
We have an acer aspire 7535-5020 laptop - came preinstalled W7 and an ATI Radeon HD3200 Graphics.
When we 1st got it, it played the few games that I liked with no problems. Bejeweled 3 and 2 and Twist. We got those through the acer games icon that connects to wild tagent.
Anyhow, they worked fine.
Near the end of this year, we had 2 computer issues and I ended up doing 2 total factory reinstalls with my backup cd's.
My Bejeweled games are now very choppy and laggy in play.
Any suggestions as to what to look for and hopefully, in simple english. LOL Spock or Data, i am not.