Really: Ex-VP Dick Cheney Probably Has No Pulse

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[citation][nom]jarvis259@aolcom[/nom]Why won't they just let him die already for christ's sake!![/citation]
You kind of have to wonder with a name like "Richard" if his "Richard" will work with this new blood pumper. Of course, I heard that he has no trouble firing his gun - even when there's a man in front of him.
[citation][nom]sailfish[/nom]A bunch of cheap shots here for a ill person from a lot of folks here. Forget the politics and wish an ill person well.[/citation]

Wasn't that ill person a cause for a war where many healthy people lost their lives and even more lost their health forever without having the money to pay their health bills?
[citation][nom]Kelavarus[/nom]To be honest, I agreed with what you quoted at first, then I read yours, and realized your point of view makes a lot more sense. Thanks for opening up my eyes.[/citation]
you finally understood capitalism lol congrats
For those saying its a waste to use this technology on him just because he is old I think you should fill out your resume right now for the death panel that socialized medicine will eventually bring. Funny how you justify letting older people die in your twisted logic. Watch the movie "Logans Run" only people without hearts on this forumn are you self righteous progressives that see old people as nothing more than an inconvenience. I'm sure you would prefer just lining up anyone needing health care over the age of 70 and shoving them into a furnace you sick SOBs.
Buzzyone you keep quoting yourself. Like I said before people on the left always use him as a scape goat. When it comes to policy making under Bush he actually had very little say as VP. From how the Iraq War was handled to Bush's views on social liberties, there were divergences there. Many people seem to assume he was an active VP, but in reality his views conflicted with Bush's and he didn't want to speak out against the administration.

Under his tenure as Secretary of Defense he significantly slashed Military spending, while successfully implementing a combined forces assault in Iraq dealing one of the most one sided victories against a nation with a significant ground force. The reason for the deficits is obvious. The best way to deal with excessive government spending is by slashing the revenue supply forcing the fed to tighten its belt. This way its difficult for the opposing party to fillibuster spending cuts. However, the result is increased deficits.

On social issues, are you kidding? He is more socially liberal then Barack Obama. Supports Gay Marriage, Supports Stem Cells, and believes in equal treatment of everyone(not just minorities).
Where do you get that load of bull from. By law the hospitals must see you and treat you whether you can pay or not in an emergency in the U.S. As for England, I wonder why whenever I hear someone "from" england speak about medicine they are telling me the exact opposite of what you just typed?

In reply to Back by demand: Thanks for confirming when you cannot talk or debate the facts liberal progressives like you always resorts to name calling and personal attacks. Based on that alone I'd call you closer to the "Dark Lord of Evil". Do you guys all go to some sort of class that indoctrinates you to feel anyone who does not agree with you is evil because you of course are Soooooo good? Where does that hypocrytical thinking come from? genetic defect? brainwashing? How about something beside calling someone the dark lord of evil that is based in fact and not some false claim from an organization that has an axe to grind against a dying man. If you did take a moment to look at things from an unbiased opinion you would probably melt away like the wicked witch from the Wizard of Oz as the truth slammed you right in the face. The concept of "He should die because he disagree's with me" sounds like a psycho to me.
Zoridon, you aren't practicing what you preach. You're vilifying and making stereotypes against whole groups of people based on the undesirable behavior of a pitiful few. You're also clinging to biased, opinionated misinformation about health care without opening your mind to other points of view.
[citation][nom]pharge[/nom]Because he is rich enough to afford it. We need somebody like him to pay the bills so hopefully someday these kind of device will be popular and cheap enough for us...[/citation]

rich enough...yes...over a lot of dead bodies...a lot
I am not familiar enough with Dick Cheney's entire life to know if he earned his money (e.g. in the private sector by honest work), or lived almost entirely at the forced expense of others (e.g. as a politician, private sector criminal, or other parasite). If the former, and he earned his care, great (whether or not I agree with his politics). If the latter, well then it's a phenomenal waste; such resources should be used to care for producers, not parasites.
[citation][nom]bison88[/nom]Zombie! Load the shot guns and aim for the head people![/citation]
Isn't that what Cheney did to his friend already? That just means he is a zombie with shooting experience, be careful.
[citation][nom]eugenester[/nom]Why waste millions of dollars in medical research for this old fool that might drop tomorrow?[/citation]
Don't worry, Obamacare death panels are on there way thanks to a bunch of idiot voters. The only thing they don't tell us and want us (average Americans) to know is that the elites, that is the rich, powerful and famous will still get the best care. Only the unwashed masses will face the death panels that will say, "Sorry your just too old and sick to justify that operation, take these pain pills".
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