Really: Ex-VP Dick Cheney Probably Has No Pulse

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Improviz, every male 18-25 must register for the Selective Service. No, they aren't drafting right now, but they could.
Really?? Huh. I have a lot of friends who are in trouble then, 'cause I know for a fact most of them have no idea about that.
[citation][nom]Debeucci[/nom]That's a silly argument falchard. That's like saying it's a choice to get sick or need emergency medical treatment. You WILL need it at one point in your life. However, people who do not have it not only stress the system, it hurts everyone. Having responsible heatlhcare should be a requirement.[/citation]

So I am forced to care about others...?

Isn't that socialism?

Forced charity is not charity. It's an extortion.
Nope blurr, you aren't forced to care about others, just yourself. However your tax dollars will be used to help others, which in turn will help you, even if your math skills aren't sufficient to actually see why.
[citation][nom]improviz[/nom]And since when do we have selective service again? The draft was discontinued before the end of the Vietnam war. It's an all-volunteer army now. Which has lead to a disproportionate number of people serving being poor, black, and Latino/Hispanic because there are not as many viable economic options for them, thanks to crummy educational systems in major urban areas. Also an alarming number of ex-Felons, people convicted of drug charges, etc.[/citation]

That is incorrect. There is actually a disproportionate number of middle class people serving right now, including the enlisted, not just the officers.
[citation][nom]anaxamenes[/nom]Nope blurr, you aren't forced to care about others, just yourself. However your tax dollars will be used to help others, which in turn will help you, even if your math skills aren't sufficient to actually see why.[/citation]

So what is the argument for me, or anyone, to pay a tax into Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare?
improviz, most people sign up for Selective Service when applying for colleges. I am pretty sure most High Schools have signing up in their courses and its required when applying for some colleges or careers. Alot of people sign up without realizing it today, but if there is a chance you are missed its something that is not enforced. You just will have to sign up if you happen to need to.

I don't think some people understand what force means. When something is taken from you without your approval at the threat of punishment, that is force. When you are taxed, you are forced to pay taxes.
I don't think the argument that the people of low income have to pay into the being alive mandate is valid on why its a mandate. What happens when you make $2k a month? You are taxed $600 income, $91 Social Security, and $300 healthcare. Thats a low wage earner being taxed 50%. Does no one find anything wrong with that? Ontop of this, a mandate will not stop the costs from skyrocketing. If it did, it would defy all economic history when a country paid into a service blindly.
[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]So it's extortion that you are forced to pay taxes to fund the Fire Department?Everyone pays so everyone can use it when it's needed.Don't you get it?[/citation]

Do I have a choice of not paying but not using that service?

It's about choice. I am pro-choice, not anti-tax.
[citation][nom]Sneaky Jedi[/nom]so would that make GW the emperor? I think this is giving both of them too much credit...[/citation]
You could be right, still, wouldn't it be great if he went to a lecture and they played the Imperial March as he wheeled on up to the podium?

FYI, I'm politically indifferent. No derailing intended.
[citation][nom]Icehearted[/nom]Oh-EM-GEE!!!111!My comment offend some republicans or something?Considering the state we were in when he left office with the Dub, I save my sympathy for someone that isn't quite as heartless.[/citation]Yes, we're much better off now. Baahhh, Baaahh.
[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]So it's extortion that you are forced to pay taxes to fund the Fire Department?Everyone pays so everyone can use it when it's needed.Don't you get it?[/citation]You're 103% correct. In fact, I think we need to fund public male prostitution services. Everyone pays so everyone can use it when it's needed. Don't you get it?

What's that? You will never make use of it? Oh well, too bad. Other people might want it, so, you know. Suck it up. Choice is for suckers. I say we all drive electric-only Focus hatchbacks, ban unhealthy food, and move to a one-party system. GENIUS! EPIC WIN!
[citation][nom]killerclick[/nom]I hope he lives long enough to be indicted for war crimes and war profiteering.[/citation]
Your an idiot and probably a libtard too.
[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]The problem with all these idiot postings aboutthe healthcare bill being a bunch of liberal commie leftwing socialist BS is that they have no idea what they are talking about.OK, so instead of having a private company that you pay to take care of a service that is nationwide, such as healthcare, where you pay a HMO ... instead you pay money into general taxation and then the Government runs it.If that is liberal commie leftwing socialist BS then so are the following other services that are run and funded exactly the same way.The Office of the PresidentCongressThe Attorney GeneralThe Supreme CourtThe DODThe DOJThe FBI -- My personal favourite, considering McCarthy's commie witch-hunts[/citation]
Ahhhh, another brainwashed libtard spewing uninformed talking points for the Socialist party, idiot.
[citation][nom]ltgrunt[/nom]Regulas and Zoridon, you both could really benefit from not being so extreme and dedicated to misinformation. The health insurance regulation bill is not socialized medicine, and if you read and understand it, it never can be. There are no death panels, and the only people or groups who will be rationing care are the same ones who have already been doing that: the insurance companies.You're both ranting about Socialism without demonstrating any understanding as to what Socialism really is or how it really works. You owe it to yourselves and to this country to be more informed, intelligent citizens who use critical thinking instead of relying on fearmongering and sensationalism to decide where to place your votes.[/citation]
We are informed you turd and that is why we are pissed at the Socialist hacks destroying this country. It has been proven throughout history Communism/Socialism ends up in disaster for the many but great for the privileged few. The USA was set up to benefit the many and not the few and to have freedom you ass. Read some more history and get back to me.

The Democrat Party/Unions are almost the same as the Nazi Party except instead of murdering Millions of Jews the Democrats support the continued Genocide/Murder of Millions of Unborn (Babies) Americans.

Fact: The Nazi party were Socialists and liberal environmentalists too.
The National Socialistiche Duetsche Arbeiter Partei (A.K.A The National Socialist German Workers Party), referred to as the Nazi

Party had several key party platforms:
Universal Education
Guaranteed Employment
Welfare for the Elderly (Social Security)
Nationalization of Industry
Nationalized Health Care
Abolition of market-based lending

Hitler was:
Pro Gun Control
Pro Euthanasia
Pro Animal Rights and a Vegetarian.

Some memorable Nazi slogans:
"Public need before private greed"
"Everything must be different"
"People's community!"
"We socialize human beings"

The amount of hate by the mindless libtard wretches on this story is nothing surprising. They were indoctrinated in public government run schools to think like they do (ie: government good, Democrats and Liberals good, corporations and private enterprise and Republicans and Conservatives are bad).

It's no surprise at all. After all, these are probably the same ilk who think that Obama and his left wing socialist fascist ilk running Congress are the best thing to happen to America. And those "leadaers" are are hell bent on taking over every single last lick of American freedom and liberty under the guise of "fairness" and the "best for the whole." Gag me with a spoon.
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