Hi, so i have an HP PAvilion zd8000. It has been handed down and handed down for a few years, and ive had it for a year or so. This laptop is a beast for how old it is, and it is huge in size. We'll i just downloaded everest to help me out here. I dont believe it, but it says ive got 2 single core processors in this. 2x Intel Pentium 4 620, 3200Mhz. Motherboard doesnt read battery anymore, but looking at this i cant figure out which one is the model number. Dual ddr2 slots. Right now im running xp, 32-bit. Video card in it is a Radeon x600(m24). Hard drive is a hitachi travelstar 7k60, 60gb. Broadcom BCM4318 b/g wireless adapter. Realtek RTL8139, ethernet adapter. So i just want to see if anything bigger and badder will fit into this laptop. Want to but dont have to start with a whole new motherboard. If you need more details just ask.