Recovery of Windows 7 on HP Pavilion laptop to a new hard drive......Help!


Dec 20, 2015
I have been reading (your forum) for days trying to find how to recover/load Windows 7 onto a new blank hard drive. My computer is HP Pavilion dv6-3250us. It had a Toshiba 750gb hard drive that died. I purchased a new Toshiba 1 TB drive. But cannot load Windows 7 either from my own made recovery backup or the HP ordered disks for my machine. The error code I get is 0xe0ef000e with either the recovery disks made by my computer or the ones ordered from HP. I think the recovery disks is not partitioning the hard drive correctly. I did remove the new drive, put it into an external enclosure and looked with disk management. The drive is not partitioned like the original bad drive. I have always been able to restore a computer with the Windows recovery disks. This is the first time I am completely stumped on what to do. I "think" it may have something to do with "advanced format" of the new sata drive (the old drive was also sata but not AF). But I have no idea how to correct the situation. Please can someone walk me through the steps to correct this sitution and load windows 7 OS. I am not new to laptop computers. But I am confused by so many different solutions I've found on this forum. I am aware there have been many questions about this same issue. thanks in advance for any help with this.


Sometimes HP recovery system can be really picky trust me. If your laptop came in with a 750GB HDD you should have replaced it with the same drive because the System Recovery disc will not work with it and you'll end up getting those problems. But you can still use that new HDD but with a different Windows 7 disc. You can either just buy it from Microsoft themselves or from a 3rd party retailer.

Something like this:


Dec 20, 2015

Laptop_nerd, I did think about the 750gb issue after the failed install with the new 1 TB drive. I did try to install a 500gb drive I have here already. Error said I could not install to a smaller drive. I have a new copy of original MS windows 7 disks but I really wanted to restore computer to it's original state with all of the correct drivers. I have found a 750 gb drive to purchase so if that is the solution I will order another drive. thanks

Another question. Do you think the "advance format" AF drive will work? The non "AF" drives are getting harder to find. Also I did install the failed 750 gb drive in an external closure. I was able to read all the files and all the partitions. So I am wondering if just the MBR is messed up or corrupt. The old 750 GB drive seems fine...i. e. not making any weird noises. Before the drive became unbootable I did run tests and it never did show anything wrong with drive. Windows told me for several days that drive was about to fail and to back up my files. Which I did. But I did not clone the drive.


Dec 20, 2015

ffg7, I am using an HP Pavilion Dv7-6c95dx with two internal drives installed to post here. The internal drives are both Hitachi Travelstar 5K750 750GB HTS547575A9E384. Hitachi is the drive that was installed originally in this laptop. I purchased and installed the second drive myself. Also had to find a second drive wiring harness to plug into motherboard. I also have a second HP Pavilion Dv7 with same setup that is barely used at all. I wonder if I should remove the second Hitachi 750 GB drive and try to install in place of the failed 750GB into the Dv6-3250US? Hope that is mud? LOL

I purchased the Toshiba drive because that was what was in the computer. Now I'm sorry I did. I cannot find any Toshiba drive support as is found with other brand of drives like WD or seagate.