if you will be primarily using it for gaming or computer use then you also wont be using any 120/240/480hz (whatever they are up to now). if you did get a panel with such features you would need to disable it anyways (they are still only 60hz input... the rest is faked and if enabled makes games lag). the trouble is that i dont think you will be able to get any of the 60hz only panels anymore (which were cheap!) from major brands as they are phasing them out.
we personally have a samsung 50" un50eh5000 and have for well over a year. checking on prices, it appears to be $600 at minimum price such as
http/www.bhphotovideo.com/c/used/841011/?gclid=Cj0KEQjw_9OoBRChj9vMo5CHrdUBEiQAJ6YRPd_1xc9yKWhMVvygrQcKy3a0m-aKbaJejJu663pCp0caAtt78P8HAQ and a few other online sources (though its the same price at kmart, not sure if its in their retail store too). we have not played games or hooked consoles up to it but have hooked laptops up to it for video. it does have 240hz motionflow (which we disabled since video has the soap-opera-effect look to it which is what all 120/240/480hz upscaling makes video look like) but disabled video looks great, clear sharp picture and we are happy with it.
hooked up to my actual console i'm still using an older sony bravia from the era where you could buy just plain 60hz models (about 5 years old).
i listed one model i was familiar with which may work but you may want to scour the other solutions from samsung, lg and sony though the one we picked was one of the cheaper ones at the time we bought.
again, if you wanted to sacrifice the ability to fix it or have it fixed once warranty was up you could always cheap out and go vizio. they are quite popular and you'd probably get your features under budget. i myself would not go this route but thats my choice.