Replacement for a Voodoo laptop


Feb 12, 2013
I've been the owner of a voodoo laptop for quite a while now, this thing has served me well. Have used a lot of laptops but the experience i got from this one was quite unique.

I'm in the market to replace it, unfortunately there's no more voodoo since it was bought by HP.... as every little bouttique company bought by a big company the messed the concept up quite a bit... anyway.

Any good pointers to top notch custom laptops? Looked and the envy series from HP, alienware from dell.... I'm looking for state of the art laptop, from a great small company like voodoo and alienware where before they were bought by the big corporations.

Any leads will be appreciated.


Thanks blazorthon,

Money is not really an issue. I want the best highend laptop money can buy, it proved with the voodoo that it actually saves me money on the long run.

The only thing is I travel a lot so a 13" display or less its what I'm looking for.