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On Sun, 05 Jun 2005 00:34:08 GMT, Darrell Mayeda
<> wrote:
>Mark Lloyd wrote:
>> On Fri, 03 Jun 2005 19:10:33 GMT, Darrell Mayeda
>> <> wrote:
>>>General Kireiko wrote:
>>>>Darrell Mayeda <> wrote:
>>>>: I sent an Email to Replay tech supporft but the 24 hour response time
>>>>: seems based on a different time schedule. My 4504 has been a little
>>>>: flaky lately where it fails to record some programs. the power light
>>>>: has been blinking on and off. the replay will not turn on. no
>>>>: screen saver, channel guide or anything. It has been blinking now
>>>>: for three days. I have unplugged the unit and left it unplugged for
>>>>: 30 seconds, 8 hours, and 10 hours with no luck. any suggestions? I
>>>>: might just get a Tivo if this machine is dead. I'm not sure where I
>>>>: got the replay from.
>>>>Replace the hard disk. Find a cheap Seagate (they have a 5 year
>>>>warranty), download RTVPatch, and a software image for your 45xx. Put
>>>>the image on the hard disk, install the new disk in the RTV in place of
>>>>the old one, and be done with it. It's an easy operation if you have
>>>>ever swapped anything out of your PC before. Your subscription is tied
>>>>to the hardware, and will be find with the new disk.
>>>>Check out this website:

>>>How do I make a software image of my hard disk.
>> You wouldn't want to MAKE one here, since the source (your existing
>> Replay drive) is defective. You will need to obtain a new one from the
>> web (see below).
>I've never gotten into the mechanics of the replay unit. How do I
>copy what is on my old disk to a new one. I can buy a new hard drive
>and maybe install it but the transfer of data has me stumped
Are you sure you want to transfer from your old drive to a new one?
You could be transferring the defect.
If you still want to, you use RTVPatch for that. You connect the old
drive to the PC and use the appropriate RTVPatch option. On the w2k
version, that's "backup source drive". Don't forget to select it
>> It's different. It's referring to the software that runs on the Replay
>> (not Windows), rather than RTVPatch (which is a Windows program). It's
>> usually the WORDS that confuse people, but it actually sounds like
>> confusing the Replay with your PC.
>I have no idea what is going on. I'm trying to sort through it. I
>go to the page on the replay website and select the picture that
>looks closest to my machine?
Here is the first part of that page:
• Which image do you use?
Be sure you use the correct image file for your ReplayTV. Using the
wrong image file can leave you with a dead unit.
ReplayTV 20XX Series: (48 MB)
ReplayTV 30XX and ShowStoppers*:
Showstopper&** (39 MB)
ReplayTV 40XX/45XX: (77 MB)
ReplayTV 50XX/55XX (current software):
(75 MB)
ReplayTV 50XX/55XX (older/stable and/or to retain CA/IVS in 55XX): (302 MB) or (71 MB)***
You select an image based on the MODEL NUMBER or your Replay. Since
you said you have a 4504, you'd use the one that says "ReplayTV
40XX/45XX: (77 MB)".
Note that if you were using your old image, you would be using the
file created by the "backup source drive" command above instead of
this file.
>> You can avoid some of the menus if you go to
/ and select the image that
>> corresponds to your Replay model.
>>> Is the RTV patch available at the website given.
>> You have to go through a few links. Here's some more direct links:
>> If you have Windows NT (such as 2000 or XP):
>> If you have a different OS:
>>>I'm a
>>>little short on time. the replay website is a mess.
>> That page looks like a FAQ. I tried to give more specific links.
>>>Will this void
>>>my warranty? Thanks
>> Yes. It's unlikely that a warranty would still be in effect for a 4xxx
>> anyway.
Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx
"The idea that there is an invisible being who
created and still runs this old universe is so
childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
still fall for that scam."