[citation][nom]eyemaster[/nom]I do wish I was paid to hunt down those malware / virus writers, including scam artists. Is there a job for "Legal Hitman for the good of humanity"?[/citation]
I know people in the field who do that. They're pretty damn smart. Pulling apart code, sifting through assembly, tracking through logs... neat stuff. I wish I had more time to study my programming. These are the guys who take down botnets, seize control of the C&C servers, tell the botnet "YOU ARE NOW UNDER OUR CONTROL" and try to hamstring it.
The strange thing, up until around a few years ago, most botnets didn't use hardly any encryption, what they did use was as weak as ROT13.
[citation][nom]subgum[/nom]I haven't used anti-virus for years and my machine had never been infected. Use your brain, don't click on what you shouldn't.[/citation]
As for protection, AV is not a cure-all, nor is "not going to those parts of the net". Infected PDFs, Flash, Advertisements, etc... there are more and more ways they keep figuring out how to infect your computer. They show up in more and more places, facebook, news sites, many many websites.