For many years I've been using iDFX as my preferred DSP Itunes plugin for offline normalization/enhancement of my entire MP3 library (I'm a freak of order and normalization, sorry).
FXsound stopped developing this product quite sometime ago, though it still worked up to past Itunes versions, albeit with some bugs and glitches.
In the latest versions it no longer works.
I'm looking to move on and find an optimized alternative that will allow me to re-encode MP3's I download from now on.
Now I do understand to some extent the limitations of a `cross-platform' re-coding algorithm for MP3's, and that most of the industry in that respect focuses on RT DSP.
Therefor I've been having difficulties of locating a proper solution via a google search.
As an intermediate solution currently I'm just using the freeware MP3QM to keep in tune with my preferred bitrate for my all my audio files (256kbps), though it offers nothing more in that respect.
I would appreciate any advice and recommendation for your preferred offline audio enhancer suitable for everyday MP3's
Thanks in advance!
For many years I've been using iDFX as my preferred DSP Itunes plugin for offline normalization/enhancement of my entire MP3 library (I'm a freak of order and normalization, sorry).
FXsound stopped developing this product quite sometime ago, though it still worked up to past Itunes versions, albeit with some bugs and glitches.
In the latest versions it no longer works.
I'm looking to move on and find an optimized alternative that will allow me to re-encode MP3's I download from now on.
Now I do understand to some extent the limitations of a `cross-platform' re-coding algorithm for MP3's, and that most of the industry in that respect focuses on RT DSP.
Therefor I've been having difficulties of locating a proper solution via a google search.
As an intermediate solution currently I'm just using the freeware MP3QM to keep in tune with my preferred bitrate for my all my audio files (256kbps), though it offers nothing more in that respect.
I would appreciate any advice and recommendation for your preferred offline audio enhancer suitable for everyday MP3's
Thanks in advance!