[citation][nom]deksman[/nom]Point is .... graphene isn't anything new.the 'costs' are always presented as 'high'.Artificial inflation does wonders for the economy.I loathe capitalism because consumer tech is toying in obscurity (but if all of it was for human progress, then we would likely be past graphene by now - in fact.. we are, it's just not on the market because again it's 'too costly').Where are they shipping the materials from?The moon?Give me a break.With all their vaunted talks of new technologies coming faster and being cheaper to not only produce but buy is a load of trash.The trend in question IS here, but a much slower pace than they can actually pull off.Reason?Money and profit.Also, I said that 'graphene' as a TERM dates back to the 1960... I haven't said anything for the substance.But even so, graphene as we understand it could have seen widespread use in the IT at least a decade ago... at most, 2 decades ago.[/citation]
So, what is the manufacturing process for graphene?
Going by your statement it must be so simple to make that they are just holding out on us. The fact of the matter is your capitalism conspiracy theory just doesn't hold water. I have friends in the chemical engineering department here at KSU who work with professors doing extensive research on graphene, it is in fact costly to produce. The costs are always presented as high because they are. Graphene isn't new however the research into manufacturing it in mass quantities and improving it's efficiency is.
So, what is the manufacturing process for graphene?
Going by your statement it must be so simple to make that they are just holding out on us. The fact of the matter is your capitalism conspiracy theory just doesn't hold water. I have friends in the chemical engineering department here at KSU who work with professors doing extensive research on graphene, it is in fact costly to produce. The costs are always presented as high because they are. Graphene isn't new however the research into manufacturing it in mass quantities and improving it's efficiency is.