Restoring favicons following browser/Windows reinstall


May 24, 2015
Finally! I get to ask a question that isn't about Windows 7!


After formatting the old hard drive and reinstalling my software, I've come upon the ancient problem of every bookmark in my browser missing its familiar favicon (the little icon every site pushes to identify itself).

This isn't world-ending, what-happened-to-all-my-data stuff by any means—it's just a bit annoying.

There have been extensions that purport to fix this, but recent changes have broken most I've looked at.

Anyone know of a solution that works today?

correct, the backup only store the link and property not the icon
Obviously. However, backing up favorites does not maintain favicons; these will have all vanished as favorites are restored. A favorites list is a simple text file composed of web addresses; it does not contain graphics.
I know, I shouldn't ask questions. That's not what the forums are for. Just thought someone used Firefox and could recommend an extension to fix this. Sorry for wasting the bandwidth.

I never said it would. the favicons are stored in your browser after visiting the sites. If you reinstalled Windows and Firefox
There is no way the favicons could be displayed. Like was suggested recently, go to each of the favourites after restoring them from your Backup (if you have one) and the favicons will be re-saved.

By the way, Favicons are stored in the places.sqlite file along with the bookmarks.

Of course you should ask questions. That is absolutely what the forums are for. If you were saying that it was a waste of your time...good luck.