Revise or Withdraw a Recommendation You Provided on LinkedIn

Once you have provided a recommendation for a connection on LinkedIn, you can revise the brief description that you added while recommending the person. In addition to this, if you want, you can also withdraw the recommendation altogether.

There can be several reasons for revising or withdrawing your recommendation on LinkedIn. For example, if any of your recommended connections have upgraded his/her skills and you know that the person has become proficient in it, you might want to revise the brief description that you added, and include a few more points in it. Likewise, if you think you have made a recommendation for a connection in error, or if the recommended connection has issued some false information, you might want to withdraw the entire recommendation.

In order to revise or withdraw a recommendation that you provided for any of your LinkedIn connections, follow the steps given below:

    ■Sign in to your LinkedIn account using your favorite web browser.
    ■On the Home page, hover mouse over the Accounts & Settings icon (icon with the profile pic) at the top-right corner.
    ■From the displayed list, click the Review link representing Privacy & Settings.

    ■If prompted provide your credentials to sign in again.
    ■On the opened web page, ensure that the Profile tab is selected in the lower-left section.
    ■From the right, under the Helpful Links section, click the Manage your recommendations link at the bottom.

    ■On the next page, click the Given tab at the top.
    ■On the Manage recommendations you’ve sent interface, from the list of recommendations, click the Edit link representing the target recommendation that you want to revise or withdraw.

    ■Once done, on the Edit your recommendation interface, edit the description in the Written Recommendation field as required.

10. Finally, click the Send button at the bottom to revise the recommendation.

11. Alternatively, you can click the Withdraw this recommendation link from the top, and on the Please confirm this action popup window, click the Confirm button to withdraw the selected recommendation altogether.