Right Click Problem


Jul 25, 2014
Sorry for posting on the laptop section, I'm on a desktop... I have windows 10, and my right click doesn't work on some games, like on rust, emergency 2017... and some others, what could it be?
Doublecheck back for some control panel process related to your mouse make and model. Someplace where the mouse buttons can be (or could have been) reconfigured via Ease of Access, Device Manager, perhaps some proprietary control panel.

Can you further narrow down where right-clicking works and does not work?

As an example, does right click work correctly up and until some specific game is played? And thereafter perhaps the right click is doing something else unseen that would be meaningful only within game play. And right click only appears not to be working. The game did not "release" right click.

See if the mouse manufacturer offers some testing utility. Or try some third party products. The objective is identify some...
If right click works okay everywhere else or otherwise performs as expected then I would suspect some right button misconfiguration with respect to the game(s) being played.

Double check your right button configuration and also consider the click speed if double clicking is involved.

Try another mouse on your computer and try your existing mouse somewhere else. See if the problem stays with the desktop or follows the mouse.
Well I already tried pluging another mouse, but it didnt solve it, I did go to the settings/controls, and tried to set the right button but it didnt set because it doesnt work..
If two mice are not working then the desktop is suspect.

Are you plugging into a USB port? Make and model mouse?

Do you hear or see any announcement that the mouse (mice) have been plugged in?

Check Device Manager. See if anything is amiss there.

Otherwise, go to the manufacturer's website and download the applicable driver for the mouse and your desktop OS.

Reinstall and test again.

Doublecheck back for some control panel process related to your mouse make and model. Someplace where the mouse buttons can be (or could have been) reconfigured via Ease of Access, Device Manager, perhaps some proprietary control panel.

Can you further narrow down where right-clicking works and does not work?

As an example, does right click work correctly up and until some specific game is played? And thereafter perhaps the right click is doing something else unseen that would be meaningful only within game play. And right click only appears not to be working. The game did not "release" right click.

See if the mouse manufacturer offers some testing utility. Or try some third party products. The objective is identify some event, game, or other action that makes "right-click" not work.

Try reinstalling the mouse drivers via the mouse manufacturer's website.

Match the make, model, and Windows 10 OS (32 or 64 bit).

If the problem was totally Windows 10 I think the mouse right click would either always work or not work. There is some other factor involved. However, realistically who knows what could be going on within Windows 10 per se to effectively enable/disable the right click.