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"Predrag Trpkov" <> laid this on me:
> "Harvey Gerst" <> wrote in message
>> Frank Stearns <> wrote:
>> >mcp6453 <> writes:
>> >
>> >>I am getting ready to do some post processing on a LOT of voice-only
>> >>files. It never ceases to amaze me how transparent the RNC is in the
>> >>Super Nice Mode for this purpose. It beats everything else I've
>> >>tried by a LONG shot. Way to go, Mark!
>> >
>> >I just sold my RNC. Nice GR control performance, but even looping
>> >through the box with *no* GR lost a lot of sparkle. Things got dull
>> >and "dark" sounding. (Sorry to use that word, but it's fairly
>> >accurate.) Even the "bypass" setting didn't seem to help.
>> >
>> >Perhaps the i/o ciruits are a bit on the cheap. Maybe the thing
>> >could be tweaked, but I didn't what to take the time.
>> >
>> >I did find a used DBX1066. If you don't hit it too hard it can be
>> >quite effective and transparent. And while there is some sonic loss
>> >just looping through with no GR, it's nowhere nearly as noticeable as
>> >the RNC.
>> >
>> >As always, YMMV.
>> >
>> >Frank Stearns
>> >Mobile Audio
>> Interesting. When I measured the RNC a few years ago, it was flat,
>> out to around 200kHz - and that was with 6dB of gain reduction.
>> Harvey Gerst
>> Indian Trail Recording Studio http
> Strange indeed. Could it have been an interfacing problem, by any
> chance?
> Predrag
I like my RNC, but I notice a similar thing with mine. I wouldn't say
it's as dramatic as what he is reporting . With my setup, it's more of a
subtle loss of sparkle, but not all the way to dull. I should note, I use it
through an RNP mostly, he used a GR, that could (likely does) contribute to
the difference.
Maybe it is an interfacing problem, if nobody else notices it but me
and him.
In which case...what sort of interfacing problem could cause this?
There is an old saying that if a million monkeys
typed on a million keyboards for a million years,
eventually all the works of Shakespeare would be produced.
Now, thanks to Usenet, we know this is not true.