RNC Praise



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I am getting ready to do some post processing on a LOT of voice-only
files. It never ceases to amaze me how transparent the RNC is in the
Super Nice Mode for this purpose. It beats everything else I've tried by
a LONG shot. Way to go, Mark!
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mcp6453 wrote:
> I am getting ready to do some post processing on a LOT of voice-only
> files. It never ceases to amaze me how transparent the RNC is in the
> Super Nice Mode for this purpose. It beats everything else I've tried by
> a LONG shot. Way to go, Mark!

Scary, you know?

Guess I'll have to throw out all them Neves and stuff. 😉

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this would be a nice time to educate me on the real advantage i would
have of spending USD350 on the RNC. (after i pay customs in india)

If i were to have the RNC i would use it during tracking. There was
this other thread which stated that taming peaks during tracking in a
well setup digital domain was quite pointless, as tere is actually
enough headroom to record reasonable levels withought clipping, and use
a good plugin afterwards.

Since the RNC is also very transparent, i doubt one can relly use it to
add color.

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Sidhu wrote:
> If i were to have the RNC i would use it during tracking. There was
> this other thread which stated that taming peaks during tracking in a
> well setup digital domain was quite pointless, as tere is actually
> enough headroom to record reasonable levels withought clipping,

With good equipment, this is probably true -- unless you have a wildly
unpredictable source.
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Sidhu <nitinsidhu@indiatimes.com> wrote:
>this would be a nice time to educate me on the real advantage i would
>have of spending USD350 on the RNC. (after i pay customs in india)

At that price, it is a real deal. It will let you bring your average
levels up without bringing the peak levels up. It is useful in tracking,
in mixing, and on the 2-buss.

>If i were to have the RNC i would use it during tracking. There was
>this other thread which stated that taming peaks during tracking in a
>well setup digital domain was quite pointless, as tere is actually
>enough headroom to record reasonable levels withought clipping, and use
>a good plugin afterwards.

Yes, this is true. But if you want things louder and denser,
compression is still a good idea.

Protection limiting, though, is really not a good idea with all the
available dynamic range. And the RNC isn't very good asa protection
limiter anyway.

>Since the RNC is also very transparent, i doubt one can relly use it to
>add color.

No, but it will still add squash and make things denser by bringing the
average levels up.

There used to be an interesting and highly-colored limiter that was
made in India for the local broadcast market. I know All-India-Radio
used the things for transmitter protection.... there have to be a bunch
of them out there. I'll think of the name in a bit...
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."
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Scott Dorsey wrote:
> Sidhu <nitinsidhu@indiatimes.com> wrote:
> >this would be a nice time to educate me on the real advantage i would
> >have of spending USD350 on the RNC. (after i pay customs in india)
> At that price, it is a real deal. It will let you bring your average
> levels up without bringing the peak levels up. It is useful in tracking,
> in mixing, and on the 2-buss.

At a price of 350USD ?

> >If i were to have the RNC i would use it during tracking. There was
> >this other thread which stated that taming peaks during tracking in a
> >well setup digital domain was quite pointless, as tere is actually
> >enough headroom to record reasonable levels withought clipping, and use
> >a good plugin afterwards.
> Yes, this is true. But if you want things louder and denser,
> compression is still a good idea.

Ofcource, i use compressors a lot. My question was how much of a
difference will compressing the source during tracking make over using
compression in post ? Unless i mildly compress both during tracking and
in post. Still not convinced this would make a lootta difference. But i
really have not ever done that.

> >Since the RNC is also very transparent, i doubt one can relly use it to
> >add color.
> No, but it will still add squash and make things denser by bringing the
> average levels up.
> There used to be an interesting and highly-colored limiter that was
> made in India for the local broadcast market. I know All-India-Radio
> used the things for transmitter protection.... there have to be a bunch
> of them out there. I'll think of the name in a bit...
> --scott

Thats real intreasting. I would imagine that the higly color'ed
compressor you talk about, would be so, more because of cheap build
rather than by design. I really dont know, but 'Ahuja' by any chance ?

AIR updated their studios a while ago, what they forgot to do was
update their techies. They have DAT machines and CD players now, but
try sending them anything other that 1/4 inch. They reject it! :~\

thanks a ton. Id love have a couple of cheap but charecter compressors

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Unless we have a wildy unpredictable source (bad drummer?) i would tend
to disagree, i almost never have any trouble tracking 24bit. But I can
understand it's equally easy to clip the converters. One does need to
be carefull.

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"Sidhu" <nitinsidhu@indiatimes.com> wrote in news:1122046478.179526.161320

> If i were to have the RNC i would use it during tracking. There was
> this other thread which stated that taming peaks during tracking in a
> well setup digital domain was quite pointless, as tere is actually
> enough headroom to record reasonable levels withought clipping, and use
> a good plugin afterwards.

I respectfully disagree.
It can be quite easy to overload (clip) the converters on your audio
interface going in.
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"P. Chamney" <joe@blough.com> wrote in message

> It can be quite easy to overload (clip) the converters on
> audio interface going in.

Sure, misadjust preamp's gain and the preamp and/or the
converter clips. Avoiding this can take some skill.

The important question is not whether you can overload the
converters going in, because you can always do that if you
are careless.

The important question is whether or not taking reasonable
steps to avoid overloading the preamp and converters causes
other problems.

In the real world, tracking means shoving a signal with at
very, very most 80 dB dynamic range through a modern
coverter with at the very least 96 dB dynamic range.
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P. Chamney <joe@blough.com> wrote:
>"Sidhu" <nitinsidhu@indiatimes.com> wrote in news:1122046478.179526.161320
>> If i were to have the RNC i would use it during tracking. There was
>> this other thread which stated that taming peaks during tracking in a
>> well setup digital domain was quite pointless, as tere is actually
>> enough headroom to record reasonable levels withought clipping, and use
>> a good plugin afterwards.
>I respectfully disagree.
>It can be quite easy to overload (clip) the converters on your audio
>interface going in.

"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."
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"Sidhu" <nitinsidhu@indiatimes.com> wrote in message
> Since the RNC is also very transparent, i doubt one can relly use it to
> add color.

If you want color you'll have to look elsewhere. Most times today when I
hear people talk about compression they're talking more about the color than
the actual volume leveling. I think that's why some are disappointed (if
they misunderstand these things) when they hear a RNC (or more correctly
DON'T hear a RNC). I have to look at the meters to even be sure it's working
a lot of times.
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Mike Rivers wrote:
> In article <1122068175.237565.65310@z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com> nitinsidhu@indiatimes.com writes:
> > Unless we have a wildy unpredictable source (bad drummer?)
> Send the drummer home and get a replacement.

Drummers with a wildly unpredictable (to the engineer, obviously not to
the bandleader) dynamics are sometimes the most engaging part of the
music. If a drummer can play from a whisper to a scream within the
song and it works, why send him home? ("Elvin, sorry, just leave. I
need to replace you with someone easier to record") Just record him so
it records without clipping or squashing. Why get a replacement who
plays with less dynamics? Nothing wrong with the drummer. Just
needs to be dealt with.
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Sidhu wrote:
> Unless we have a wildy unpredictable source (bad drummer?)

I'm thinking "amateur vocalist who can't decide whether to eat the mic
or keep it two feet from the mouth." Especially if you have no way to
manually ride gain (increasingly common these days, sigh...)
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In article <1122068175.237565.65310@z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com> nitinsidhu@indiatimes.com writes:

> Unless we have a wildy unpredictable source (bad drummer?)

Send the drummer home and get a replacement.

I'm really Mike Rivers (mrivers@d-and-d.com)
However, until the spam goes away or Hell freezes over,
lots of IP addresses are blocked from this system. If
you e-mail me and it bounces, use your secret decoder ring
and reach me here: double-m-eleven-double-zero at yahoo
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Sidhu <nitinsidhu@indiatimes.com> wrote:
>Ofcource, i use compressors a lot. My question was how much of a
>difference will compressing the source during tracking make over using
>compression in post ? Unless i mildly compress both during tracking and
>in post. Still not convinced this would make a lootta difference. But i
>really have not ever done that.

In the modern digital world, it won't make any difference if you compress
during tracking or in post.

But you'll find the RNC will beat most other compressors hands down in
either application, for clean compression.

>> There used to be an interesting and highly-colored limiter that was
>> made in India for the local broadcast market. I know All-India-Radio
>> used the things for transmitter protection.... there have to be a bunch
>> of them out there. I'll think of the name in a bit...
>Thats real intreasting. I would imagine that the higly color'ed
>compressor you talk about, would be so, more because of cheap build
>rather than by design. I really dont know, but 'Ahuja' by any chance ?

No, it was named after a location.... I will think of it.

There also was a Russian compressor called the "Audion" which was very
popular in broadcast applications in Asia in the late eighties. They
were full of really bad op-amps and kind of noisy, but the were still
fun compressors. I have one and I still use it now and then.

>AIR updated their studios a while ago, what they forgot to do was
>update their techies. They have DAT machines and CD players now, but
>try sending them anything other that 1/4 inch. They reject it! :~\

I hear rumors that JAI is not manufacturing tape right now, and the
guys trying to restart Zonal are horribly backordered because they
are getting enormous orders from AIR and from the South African SABC.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."
Archived from groups: rec.audio.pro (More info?)

Scott Dorsey wrote:

> I hear rumors that JAI is not manufacturing tape right now, and the
> guys trying to restart Zonal are horribly backordered because they
> are getting enormous orders from AIR and from the South African SABC.
> --scott

I dunno about JAI making tape anymore or not. But I needed a couple of
spools for a project recently, and managed to get hold of them quite
easy. We had a correspondence regarding Tapes via email a while back.
If you're intreasted ill be more than willing to send some over.

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Sidhu wrote:

> Ofcource, i use compressors a lot. My question was how much of a
> difference will compressing the source during tracking make over using
> compression in post ? Unless i mildly compress both during tracking and
> in post. Still not convinced this would make a lootta difference. But i
> really have not ever done that.

The difference, if you have high dynamic range converters is
simply the flexibility you have later in the game. If you
do it in tracking you are stuck with it. If you wait you
can play with it. At the end of the day, with good
converters and good algorithms the sound won't be better or
worse simply on the basis of where you did it.


"Things should be described as simply as possible, but no

A. Einstein
Archived from groups: rec.audio.pro (More info?)

mcp6453 wrote:
> I am getting ready to do some post processing on a LOT of voice-only
> files. It never ceases to amaze me how transparent the RNC is in the
> Super Nice Mode for this purpose. It beats everything else I've tried by
> a LONG shot. Way to go, Mark!

I have an RNC also....do you ever use it for post-processing after
recording the "raw" audio? If so, how do the results vary? Thanks!

Jonny Durango
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"Sidhu" <nitinsidhu@indiatimes.com> wrote in message
> I can imagine it working real well on the mix buss then....
> Sidhu

Passable to good, depending on the program material.
