Bf3 is a great game, but yeah, I hate origin, I hate the ranking system, and every server I go has at least one hacker ruining the game for everyone, and I've been playing since the beta working on my unlocks, and trying to get my stats up, and now they released an update so lil rich kids can pay to get all the good stuff and lay waste to anyone in there path with better weaponry. I still love the game, but EA focus's way to much on profit and not enough on actual gameplay. Bf3 is a great game, and it has awesome graphics, but it's years later, and it's to be expected in any sequel to Bf2, but i'd say the negatives put it in the same class as Bf2. Maybe EA should focus on making games, let steam sell them, and stop wasting money on origin. And here is another idea, do something about the hackers. Maybe an in game report system?
How come on the console if you throw a grenade and die, the grenade explodes and kills someone, but on the pc it just dissapears? Same thing with the claymores... The game balance is all off. Need to work on that.
And how about some Bf3 posters? i see MW3 posters all up in every store I go in, but can't for the life of me find any Bf3 posters. And the Bf3 xbox 360 mod looks like crap to me. I'm more into the PC game, but i'd buy a poster, and maybe some other BF3 peripherals if they had some.
Another thing with EA used console games, it's pissing a lot of people off with them having to buy online pass's to play a used game. I'm mainly a PC gamer, so it's not a huge deal to me, but my Console playing friends hate EA because of it. Just FYI.
Here is my advice to EA, or any game developers, focus on making an awesome game, one that is stable, and focus on what gamers want, and address our concerns, and stop focusing on money money money. If the game is good, it'll sell itself like minecraft. A good game will make money. But if you focus on just making money, and ruin the game with stuff like in game transactions, overall your killing the game.
Nobody really likes the in game mini transactions, i'd stick to selling expansion packs. In game transactions kills the game balance, and it pisses off people play for hours to earn there stuff, and it gives rich kids the advantage.
Also, again, If it wasn't battlefield 3, I would never even have Origin on my PC. I wonder how many sales they lost because of that.