Rumor: iPhone 5 to Be Announced August 7

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One thing about iOS that boggles my mind--why are active widgets 100% not allowed? If anyone that uses an iPhone exclusively used an android phone with widgets/live widgets for a week, I'd be surprised if many went back to an iPhone. Seriously, you have to go through so many more menus and sub-menus in iOS just to accomplish a simple task like adjusting screen brightness, or turning on bluetooth. But single-operation widgets are so widely available in android. It honestly makes me hate having to use my aging ipod touch these days...

Anyhoo, we can sit here and say "who cares" all day, but it sadly won't change the fact that these will sell like hotcakes to iTard sheeple.
[citation][nom]RADIO_ACTIVE[/nom]I just recently updated from a iphone 4 to a GS3 and I must say I won't be coming back to apple. The iphone is a great phone but my new GS3 is just insanely awesome.[/citation]
good luck on waiting for the slow OS update...that's the only thing i really hate about google's mobile OS
[citation][nom]nebun[/nom]good luck on waiting for the slow OS update...that's the only thing i really hate about google's mobile OS[/citation]
I forgot to mention....bloatware galore on the android...i know that Apple's smartphone has bloatware but not as much
Android is good but the eco system is broken very slow pathetic updating scheme only 10% of Android phones have ICS. Not everyone is savvy enough to root their phones. Waiting for WP8 devices than I will make the jump.
[citation][nom]soldier37[/nom]The 5 is what we should have gotten instead of the lame 4S last year. So I traded my 4 in for a massive Galaxy Note and just upgraded to ICS and couldnt be happier. A 4inch screen dual core slightly higher res and 1gb of ram isnt going to help you now Apple. Its been there and done that got the T-shirt, no thanks.. too late.[/citation]
the galaxy note is a different can you compare a smartphone with a mini tablet? time compare apples with apples...catch my drift?
Professionals cannot depend on hacked or jailbroken devices that require constant tinkering and are a full-time hobby. They need them to make calls, receive text messages and e-mail, and occasionally reference the Internet. They do not need them for SSH, mobile web servers, or whatever other nonsense some of you are convinced are necessities - this is what we have computers for.

Android is a hobbyists toy OS that (out of the box) is fragmented, bloated, slow, and does not receive regular updates. New models replace previous models basically every 2 months, so Samsung abandons the old product to force you to buy the new, shiny toy.

With Apple, you can count on at least 2 years of regular OS updates and support, and everything works out of the box.

Android vendors, especially Samsung, are way worse than Apple. They release cheap quality phones and then expect you to upgrade it twice a year, since they'll abandon their old platform. What a JOKE.

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