Rumor: New iPhone to Have 4.6-inch Retina Display

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[citation][nom]Anomalyx[/nom]Can we please drop that trendy "retina display" meaningless buzzword? Seriously, the only people who are naive enough to be persuaded by meaningless buzzwords are the ones who will buy the next iDevice no matter how badly it sucks.[/citation]
I thought the same about the whole 'Retina thing' but when you see the actual 'under a microscope' images of the various iterations of standard through to the latest retina level displays used in the iphone, touch and ipad you can quite literally see the difference.

For me physically seeing is believing and having compared all of them side-by-side, with exception of the iPad3, I can see there is some reality to the claims concerning Retina's clarity.
[citation][nom]whysobluepandabear[/nom]What is the point of "Under a microscope", screen analysis? If I can't see a difference with my eye, then it'd a waste of space, even if superior on paper.[/citation]

The whole point of the 'retina' label is it's the scientific point of quality before which your eyes can see the difference. It means having a display with a PPI at which your eyes can't discern pixels from typical viewing distance. Any less than that required PPI, and your eyes can discern pixels and the quality of the display therefore visibly lessens.
Put a micro sd slot and support flash and java... Then positive things could start to happen; oh yeah and don't mention the "retina display"; that is just hype. Until then, forget it...
Was far too disappointed with the 4S release not being a real 5 so I traded in my 4 for a Samsung Galaxy Note with a 5.3 inch screen at 1280 x 800 res super amoled and couldnt be happier. Apple you took too long in what should have been released last year and didnt follow thru for us Iphone 4 owners, so meh to this news.

Good move. Now you have a smart phone.
Retina is just a complement to Samsung's great screens!! Its for people that are not technical so that they know the differences, but its just high pixel density! Yes it is nice on phones and tablets as your head is so close to the screen. Well done Samsung and apple for picking Samsung.
If apple is going to keep the legacy view frustrum, the screen have to be 1920x1280 on a 4.6" screen. I dont see that as impossible, the tech is there, the question is volume production.

For the sake of world peace, lets hope Samsung live up to the rumors and produce a 1080p screen for the S3. IP5 (or will it be IP Next?) would still get the bragging rights for the extra pixels and most likely marginally higher density, but it wouldnt be "resolutionary". If the SGS3 "only" have a 720p screen, we'll have to listen to that resolutionary crap again.
[citation][nom]DjEaZy[/nom]... emmm... the killer feature for me would be not a bigger screen, but that the phone is drop/dust/dirt/water proof...[/citation]
[citation][nom]whysobluepandabear[/nom]A phone made of solid diamond wouldn't even qualify for all of those categories you listed. Try having realistic expectations.[/citation]
... ok, ok... but more durable, then iPhones now... nothing is protected, when you are careless...
I have my doubts this will happen. If Steve Jobs was alive then this would certainly not happen, now with Tim Cook we'll have to wait and see if he follows the footsteps of it's predecessor.
Can see it now-overheat issues with oversized battery and battery doesn't last as long-men get sterilized putting it in their pockets and pace maker people's hearts overheat from radiation.
[citation][nom]becherovka[/nom]Retina is just a complement to Samsung's great screens!! Its for people that are not technical so that they know the differences, but its just high pixel density! Yes it is nice on phones and tablets as your head is so close to the screen. Well done Samsung and apple for picking Samsung.[/citation]

Actually, Apple sources their screens from Samsung, LG, and Sharp. Sharp is just coming online now with the Retina's. Goes to show you that the design spec came from Apple and the screen manufactures build to spec. Samsung does make great screens but there is a reason why they don't have a Retina equivalent on their devices.

Go ahead and thumb me down, it is the truth.
[citation][nom]house70[/nom]If they keep the 4:3 ratio that phone will be WIDE! ...(see LG's latest 5" iteration)If they don't keep it, problems with the apps rendering...[/citation]
Oops, my bad, I meant 3:2; I was thinking of the iPad ratio for some reason.
Still, the phone would be too wide to hold comfortably... I think a 4" maximum would allow them to keep current aspect ratio, otherwise they'll have to go with 16:10. Which still means the argument was valid.
@whysobluepandabear "The whole point of the 'retina' label is it's the scientific point of quality before which your eyes can see the difference. It means having a display with a PPI at which your eyes can't discern pixels from typical viewing distance. Any less than that required PPI, and your eyes can discern pixels and the quality of the display therefore visibly lessens."

The problem is Apple really stretches this definition. Their version of a "retina display" is based upon proximity to the device. They assume the avg person holds the phone no closer than 24" or something, so their PPI must only satisfy density at this distance. I have 20/20 vision and see no discernible or useful difference in quality between my HTC phones and iphone 4s. The ipad3 is a little noticeable, but quickly fades once you begin using it.
Why do I want to reply to half the comments with "Thats what she said."? Anyway, why are you guys complaining about the marketing term "Retina Display"? It seems that simply because you dont like the term they use for it, you completely ignore the benefits of having a high DPI screen.. I dont personally care what its called, but the fact that the DPI is high enough that the screen looks like a flawless photograph works for me.. As far as the new iPhone goes, if they dont update the UI for iOS I dont think it matters what screen they use, after 4 years with the same exact UI iOS is getting very boring and at this point Im willing to jump ship just to get something that feels new.. My contract just expired too, but at this point theres nothing I see worth laying out money for.. I have gotten used to the "Retina Display" on my iPhone4 though and any phone I do get will have to have a high enough DPI that I cant tell the difference..
What gets me is people who complain about LARGE phones." Bluetooth earpeice..." Don't your arms get tired holding any phone up to your ear for any length of time. Your long sleeve shirts get wrinkled. Then there's the safety issue, hands free driving or walking for that matter. I have a Dell Streak, LOVE IT!. Yes, I will upgrade to the G-Note, just waiting for the price to drop a bit. If you're spending $100+ a month on phone services, why not get a screen large enough to enjoy them.....
[citation][nom]freggo[/nom]So what. yet another overpriced phone.How much longer until we reach market saturation and the stock tanks as a result ?[/citation]

I am not even a iPhone user and i'm offended by this. How is it overpriced? It's $200 on contract, all of the "high end" android phones are also $200 on contract and the galaxy tab is $300 on contract? How is it overpriced? market saturation will not cause the stock to tank, plus Apple will have updated/new products floating the stock price in the future anyway
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