Sager NP8275 vs Valkyrie CZ-27


Nov 4, 2013
Hi guys, here are some specs of laptops that I see are good for me. Can you guys provide additional comments? Any of you own these laptops? Are they reliable? Heating issues? Which would you recommend? I really dont want to have overheating or unstability issues with any of these at this price.

Valkyrie CZ-27
17.3" Full HD 1920x1080 with Illuminated Keyboard
Core i7-4800MQ
8GB DDR3 1600MHZ kingston
Splinter Cell + Black Flag
1TB 7200 rpm
Sound blaster cinema audio
windows 8.1

Total + Tax = $1813(WITH gtx770M = $1,404)

Sager NP8275
Same as above except...
Core i7-4700MQ
No free games
1 TB 5400 rpm
Shittier sound card

Total = $1,777(WITH gtx770M = $1,427)

is the same model sager, with 750gb 7200 rpm, with no OS - perfect for people like myself that can't stand Win8 😛 but the price is $1,359.00.

I do not know the differences in the 2, although I have had to deal with ibuypower in the past and it can be tedious, if you get a bad rep on the phone, just hang up and get someone else, it's like any other job in the world, some are good; some are bad, just gotta weed through the shi^ ones.. as far as performance, how everyone compares a computer to 'alienware' sager beats alienware in performance and in pricing - if that does anything for you idk. just offering some critiquing lol.
some helpful links: (as I am also looking for a laptop gaming device, however my budget is under $1300)
and don't forget craigslist, i had found a guy with an asus g75 series for $650 - military guy getting shipped overseas, sometimes good deals in your area, or near you. -i know it says 2011, but here's the title on the page: "TOP 10 MOST POWERFUL GAMING LAPTOP - September 2013 edition" this is my personal favorite, as it shows sager over ibuypower.