Samsung Announces Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus with FAIL+
If it's on AT&T it's crap. I dropped my iphone 3g for a Thunderbolt, and have never been happier with the service. The internet is so incredibly fast, my old iphone felt like it working on dialup. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an AT&T hater, I actually had good experiences with their customer service. However, for the 3 years I had that iphone, I had too many dead spots, and simply non-functional internet. Syncing emails would be fine, but trying to browse felt like trying to breath through a straw. Forget youtube on the phone, that was just a gimmick.
My Thunderbolt on the other hand, so no problems loading up HD youtube vids, no wait for buffering, I have streamed plenty of TV over 4g, and I can make video calls (finally) without problems. These aren't device issues, these are service issues.
My point is, even if the device (Galaxy Tab) is OMGWTF awwweeeesommmme, you'll get frustrated using it because the underlying carriers service is crap. LTE 4TW!