A few weeks ago Netflix stopped working on my Samsung TV (800 series 55 inch) with a NW 4-7 error. After a long discussion with Netflix - it looks like it is a TV issue. Spoke to Samsung for an 1 1/2 hours with no luck. Samsung organised for the TV to have its wifi and mother board replaced. In the shop it was able to connect to Netflix apparently. However at home I still have the same issue. There are a a couple of other issues with the TV such as apps not being able to be installed etc.
Also I have noticed that when on the home wifi with my Samsung S7 phone, Netflix returns an 'ERR_EMPTY_REPONSE' error. This also happens on my Wife's S7 as well. If I use 4G I connect right away. The odd thing is that my desktop PC and laptop running Windows 10 connects to Netflix with out issue.
I am at a complete loss to what is going on. I will call my ISP on monday and give them a grilling, but it looks like some config changes at my ISP or Samsung that is causing this. Any ideas or more intel would be appreciated.
Also I have noticed that when on the home wifi with my Samsung S7 phone, Netflix returns an 'ERR_EMPTY_REPONSE' error. This also happens on my Wife's S7 as well. If I use 4G I connect right away. The odd thing is that my desktop PC and laptop running Windows 10 connects to Netflix with out issue.
I am at a complete loss to what is going on. I will call my ISP on monday and give them a grilling, but it looks like some config changes at my ISP or Samsung that is causing this. Any ideas or more intel would be appreciated.