Samsung Galaxy note 10.1 GTN8013 Not booting


Nov 4, 2016
Samsung Galaxy note 10.1 GTN8013 Not booting. Allowed to charge for over a day. Tried all of the button pushing methodology to no avail. Replaced battery and cable from charging port to board. Tablet is used so who knows what terrible acts were performed on it before I purchased it. Any ideas as to whats going on here?
If you can't get it to charge, or start up. No matter what you try, then I would ask if you have checked to make sure the power button isn't 'stuck'. It may be hard to notice with the external part of the button, but you can check it from the inside (depending on the internal parts) and see if it is stuck pushed in. If it is, that would cause it to do this.

If that isn't the issue, then I would wonder if it is just shot. It happens.

Yea, removed the case and checked on the power buttons attached to the inner frame and all seemed to be functioning from a mechanical stand point but I'm unaware of any continuity issues at the moment. The plastic portion from the outer case was moving freely as well so I don't think it was stuck. Thanks for the insight though. The battle continues.