Samsung Galaxy S2 wont turn on



Hi. About 1 week ago my phone ran out of battery. I put it in the charger to charge but it doesnt charge at all. I tried using another charger but even that didnt work. I took out my battery for about 30 mins n put it back n tried to charge it. but that didnt work either. i havent tried to reset it because i have some very important photos that i havent backed up on the computer. Is there any other way i could fix this?
Have you tried powering it on while it's plugged in, without the battery inserted?

This would rule out the phone itself as being the issue.

See, cell phones and laptops nowadays use lithium-ion batteries and they're only good for so long. Also, some are made better than others. After a while they start to wear out and hold less and less of a charge until they're entirely useless. If your phone happened to come with a cheaply manufactured battery, this would occur much faster.

With that in mind, try my above suggestion. If the phone powers on without the battery inserted, while it's plugged into a power source - you know it's an issue with the battery, and need to replace it. If it still doesn't turn on, there may be internal damage in your phone.

Either way, you'll need to take it to a cell phone store/repair center for the new battery or phone repair. And as I said already, cheap batteries don't last. If you do get a new one, get a good one.

my phone has this issue for the 3rd time.. sent it back previous times under warranty. But this time my warranty has expired, so not sure what to do.. it's probably a weakness in the design to get us to upgrade to the S4


I stay in nigeria how do I contact samsung and if my phone is not under warranty Hw do they charge

I found a solution- annoying, but it works. If my Galaxy 2s is DEAD and refuses to charge normally, I plug it into a car charger, turn on the engine, unplug when charging icon appears(about 10 sec.), turn off the car engine and then return the phone to my wall charger to complete charging. Works every time. The trick is to not let it discharge completely in the first place, but really!