Samsung HT-5500w Wireless Rear Speaker Issue/concern.


Oct 29, 2013
Hey guys,

I am hoping that someone can help me as I have exhausted all options. I bought this system yesterday, however I am already having issues. I was able to get everything working, and I started watching a movie which sounded amazing. However, when I change the volume, the rear wireless speakers drop in volume to almost nothing regardless if I am increasing or decreasing the volume. This does not happen every time, however when it does I have to turn the whole system off and on again. I am not sure what I can do or what is going on. I tried resetting it to factory settings and so forth. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions of what I can do? Here is the system in question:!pla!!!72385565351!g!!46501398191&kpid=4033007&k_clickid=1adfc91d-efca-79a9-5aa0-000066bf575e&gclid=CLb4tZH0xL8CFQYoaQodkr4A0A

Thanks so much in advance.
Your link above does not mention wireless rear speakers. Did you get a Rockfish adapter to go wireless? If so try using wires to trouble shoot the problem. If there is no problem with wires exchange the wireless adapter. If the wireless surround is part of the Samsung then check the Samsung website and see if there are any firmware updates.
Could be a defective HTiB. Exchange it at Best Buy.
Your link above does not mention wireless rear speakers. Did you get a Rockfish adapter to go wireless? If so try using wires to trouble shoot the problem. If there is no problem with wires exchange the wireless adapter. If the wireless surround is part of the Samsung then check the Samsung website and see if there are any firmware updates.
Could be a defective HTiB. Exchange it at Best Buy.