Question Samsung LCD 5” Vertical Shadows

Oct 1, 2021
I hope you can help.

Samsung, model UN50J6200AF.

I have a Samsung LCD ( not so smart TV) The other day the screen darkened and 2 vertical shadows appeared on each side . I can still watch tne tv , there’s Picture & Sound . Does anyone know what the issue is and what board/ part that I need?

Thank you for your time!

I'm not trying to be condescending here, but are you sure they are vertical shadows? As in top to bottom?
Most TV's if backlit and not sidelit have horizontal LED strips. And that would make a bit more sense to me.
But if it is indeed vertical shadows, perhaps its the main board having issues.
If you could post a picture of the screen that shows the problem the best, that would be helpful. Generally a image with a bright even picture shows picture problems the best.
Since the whole screen dimmed, you may have a backlight LED or more that partially opened. I have dealt with a lot of backlight problems both here and in my shop recently.
I'm having the same issue, there are numerous reports of this, but Samsung refuses to acknowledge the problem and basically says pay $400+ for repairs or you're SOL. I'm trying to figure out how to post a picture of the problem.