Samsung UHD J7000, Denon 2300 and ps4 pro. I understand I can't get HDR due to the television but there isn't a option of 4k o


Feb 6, 2017
Streaming 4k on amazon and Netflix. With Samsung UHD J7000 TV, amp Denon 2300, 2.2 hdmi cables and PS4 pro. No option of 4k through ps4 pro, I can get 4k on TV apps standing alone. I understand that my TV doesn't support HDR but I would think I would still be ableft to stream normal 4k.
Love it if anyone has advice.
Thank you.
Have you tried going directly from PS4 pro to TV? at least try to find out if the TV or Amp is giving you the problem. Some TV, receiver require setting changes to 4K so check the manual. I assume your TV is a JS7000? not a J7000
Have you tried going directly from PS4 pro to TV? at least try to find out if the TV or Amp is giving you the problem. Some TV, receiver require setting changes to 4K so check the manual. I assume your TV is a JS7000? not a J7000