Samsung's New Phones to Go All Day with One Charge

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" I charge my iPhone 4 maybe 2-3 times a week. Although no heavy usage, it still provides decent power for my daily usage."

Hopefully you wont have to replace your phone soon to keep getting those charges.
[citation][nom]bgaimur[/nom]How to improve battery life: use CyanogenMod. I get > 36 hours of medium usage per day before I get to 40% battery on my Epic 4g. I got ~~ 10 hours before I ran to the charger on stock.[/citation]

How the hek do you get 36 hrs of medium usage per day????
The mobile phones from 6 or 7 years ago would manage several days on a single charge. All the battery had to power was the basic hardware such as a small LCD screen, basic GSM radio, and some sort of very low-powered processor and a tiny amount of RAM.

Now, we have 6 to 8 square inches of brightly-backlit touchscreen on most phones, 3G radio running constantly, high-powered processors running complex operating systems that use a lot of memory...

The vast majority of a phone's life is spent in standby mode - screen off, no actual use taking place, but the processor, wifi, 3G connection, bluetooth etc etc are all running and consuming power.

Surely it's not beyond the limits of technology to develop a phone with a low-power "basic" mode, where the main OS is suspended (akin to "Hibernate" on a Windows PC - contents of RAM saved to flash memory for rapid restart) and a much simpler CPU takes over to run only the bare essentials of the phone. In this mode, the phone can perform the essential functions like making and receiving calls and SMS messaging. If the user wishes to take photos using the camera, or watch streaming video, or browse the internet, or play games, then the phone can quickly resume it's full functionality.

Something like this:

- Only utilise a small portion of the screen to provide basic call and SMS functionality - and configure the LED backlighting so that only the in-use portion of the screen is lit
- Disable the touchscreen function (as this requires power, plus CPU time) and have a small basic keypad (like mobile phones used to have) to operate the device in the low power mode
- Either switch off the 3G and/or wifi (or whatever other standard of internet connection) entirely, or at least have it power up only in short bursts - for say 30 seconds every 5 mins to check for emails etc (make this user selectable to suit the individual)
- Similar for Bluetooth: power up for a few seconds every minute or so to check for handsfree kits etc, and only power up and remain on when an attempt to connect is detected
- Single button on the handset to switch between "full" and "basic" mode - say, maximum of 5 seconds for either "suspend" or "resume" operation

Essentially you get the ability to switch your Android or iPhone into "10-Year-Old Nokia Mode" when you're not using the bells and whistles, but those bells and whistles can be resumed at the press of a button.
My HTC Android old crap "dream" (the worst phone EVER MADE) barely makes it through the day on very light usage. I will NEVER buy anything from HTC ever again.

However with my work BB Bold 9780 I can easily go two days with a normal email load of 200-400 per day (welcome to the life of a deskside manager!) with at least an hour of voice per day.
Scrubs never heard of Razr Maxx much? 3,000+maH in someones butt....mmmmm, and still one of the thinnest phones in existence, get rock3d s0n.
My Samsung Skyrocket routinely gets 30 to 35 hours on a single charge. I use JuiceDefender (Ultimate) on its "Balanced" setting, with the screen on "Auto" brightness all the time. This is with moderate to heavy web use (I watch all my YouTube subscriptions over HSPA+ "4G" while I am waiting in line to cross the bridge), SMS (~80-100/d), and voice. If I could leave the thing alone, I'm sure it could last into the low 40-hour range.
1 whole day? BFD ... whatever will you do when the power goes out?

my phone lasts around 5 days on a single charge (and no its not a smartphone).
The really funny part about "smartphones" is the sheer inanity (yes, inanity) of the retards who use them.

Anxiety about having to charge your phone? And you call yourselves men. Or women, even. Bowling pins. And don't even give me that crap about "running a business" or "needing it for work". Nobody computes anything important on these toys. Get a real job.
[citation][nom]lordstormdragon[/nom]The really funny part about "smartphones" is the sheer inanity (yes, inanity) of the retards who use them.Anxiety about having to charge your phone? And you call yourselves men. Or women, even. Bowling pins. And don't even give me that crap about "running a business" or "needing it for work". Nobody computes anything important on these toys. Get a real job.[/citation]

Most people use them for personal use. But when they need them for basic use for work then its nice for them to have a charge in them. Just because people don't use the "smart" side of the phone for work they sure as hell use the "phone" part of it so battery is important.
[citation][nom]Netherscourge[/nom]Smartphone battery life sucks on every phone.Period.iPhones, Androids, whatever. And the bigger the screens get and the faster the CPUs get, the worse it is.[/citation]

Nope. My Nokia C7 last a few days on a single charge.
[citation][nom]freggo[/nom]I run my own IT company on a 'dumb' phone. Charge it overnight; also it is usually good for 2 days of usage. If you work for a living you do not need some idiotic $600 gadget to play games, watch TV or impress anyone. You talk to a client or customer and go on with your live.Games and TV can wait until I get home, have a decent powerful PC and a nice large screen available for TV and enjoy the tech side of things.Bottom line, do not make fun of people who have better things to do with their money than buying fancy gadgets and then cry about battery life.[/citation]

yeah and the best part is that some of these 'dumb-phones' have full 2-way call-recording capabilites that REALLY help when dealing with certain clients. The intriging part is that while smartphones are getting faster with higher resolution they're really bad in this convience aspect. Luckily in europe Nokia still has the decency to sell both feature-phones and symbian-based smartphones, both having 2-way call-recording build in. While you can't find any SE-featurephone in stores at all (weird because I know that both the Elm and Hazel can record calls).

I guess professional users of phones aren't the 'target audience' anymore. Nowadays they're all focussed on youfacetwitterbook and nix-box-live-zunegames. Bleh!
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