The real problem must be that the name of the file is too long.right click on in and rename it.That was the problem on my Sansa Clip.It worked just fine for me
I too was one of those guys suffering a bit with a Creative Nuvo 2gb'er with that damned error message:
"cannot copy " " : The directory or file cannot be created."
I almost gave up 'till I too BINGed [since I assumed it was a Windows related issue] the error message.. yours was the first hit - and a smart answer..
So I formatted the gadget in FAT32 [there's a drop down - at least in XP Pro there is: FAT or FAT 32].
So outta 2gb's, I'm now gettin' 1.88 Gb.. whereas before I could only get like 800mb or so.. [used 1.22gb, 677mb free]
Makes sense! I just realized that my Canon camera has the ability to format an SD card before you start taking pix!
Thanks so much for the "so easy" answer, I copied all files to a directory on my computer hardrive, then formated the flash drive, and copied all files back no problem, got my full flash drive space back, and all is well. AnA
Tom5002 is right on. Format your disk for FAT32 and the problem disappears. I didn't have the luxury of creating folders as the USB drive is plugging into a digital picture frame which is reading the drive for a slide show.
Thanks for everyones comments. This is a great forum.
I deleted a couple few tunes, and was able to copy a file to the unit. Is there a limit to the number of MP3 files even though the device reports not full?
The beloved techies,
Yes i too face the same problem of copying the MP3 files in to my usb drive.
Error"files or directory cannot be created" X number of files in root :\ cannot be copied in FAT(file alloation table) technology, so format the flash drive and make the file systems as FAT 32 and then start copying the x number of files. Even u can create the folder but when it comes to devices where the files play in a slide mode u have to go for FAT32 / NFTS files systems.
for more updated get in touch....
The reason you can't add more files is that it's out of filename slots (for lack of a better word), just move what ever files onto the computer, make a folder, move them into it, and move them back to the flash drive. And there you go. 😛
I had the same problem when copying to a mmc drive on my pc, and it seems that you cannot have more than x files under the root folder. I created some folders and I copied everything fine. So if you can create folders on your SanDisk you should be able to drag and drop there easily.
You are right on. I was trying to put jpg's on my sandisk and then even on to a usb drive. But even though there was a ton of storage left, I couldn't write any more. "cannot copy abc.jpg: the directory or ifle cannot be created." So I created several folders and was able to put everything I needed on it.
I have been trying and trying to add files to mp3 and getting stupid "cannot create file or directory" when loading mp3. With great fear and trepidation i took advise of re-formatting mp3 player knowing full well everthing will be wiped off of it. I did it and it works wonderfull!! Thank you so much!!!!
This is a fascinating thread that came up on my Google Search. Tom5002 was right about FAT32, it worked, but unfortunately not in my Pure DMX50 - it saw the SD card as empty. Back to the drawing board...reformatted it back to FAT...back to the same error message. Made a new folder, it took the rest of the files OK but I'm not sure yet if DMX can see the folder, I've so many files on!
hi i av a digital camera i can not get my pic on my computer the memory card show that i av no pic and theirs an error, i dnt want to lose my pictures. is their any way were i can get my pic what can i do?
then click fat 32 full erase (to do this it must be on a windows xp system)
i did this and have had no problems then on
you seemed to help so many people out i was wondering if you could help fix my problem?
My Cd player in my car has a usb port that i can plug my sansa clip into when i plug it in it comes on and says no song but there is over 100 songs on the clip and it plays fine. It worked in my car before but I can't figure out why it's not working anymore, it's been a long time since i used it last. Is there a possible way i could be loading the music wrong? I can't thinkg of any reason for it not to be working. please help me!
Hi, This is what I did and was able to add more files to the USB.
The Sandisk USB has a Document folder which has four sub folders.
1 download
2 music
3 pictures
4 videos
The existing music files on my USB was all under the Document folder.
After doubleclicking on the Document folder to show the sub-folders, I then drag and drop some of the music files already on the usb disk into the music folder. I was immediately able to add more music files to the USB.
you seemed to help so many people out i was wondering if you could help fix my problem?
My Cd player in my car has a usb port that i can plug my sansa clip into when i plug it in it comes on and says no song but there is over 100 songs on the clip and it plays fine. It worked in my car before but I can't figure out why it's not working anymore, it's been a long time since i used it last. Is there a possible way i could be loading the music wrong? I can't thinkg of any reason for it not to be working. please help me!
Check the formats supported by the cd player for usb playback. Most likely you have the worng format and will need to convert your songs to that supported format.
Another reason, your cd player may be looking in the wrong folder of the usb device. The usb could have subfolders that you need to tell it to play from.