SB Audigy or X-Fi? And are there Vista problems?


Jan 7, 2008
Hey guys,

I'm building a rig and am wondering if there is really a big difference between the Audigy and X-Fi? Obviously the price is quite different, so does the price of the X-Fi justify the jump?

Also, I've heard there are Vista issues with Audigy. Is that still the case?

Thanks guys,


There are various models of both Audigy and X-Fi. Generally X-Fi is MUCH better then Audigy series but some low end X-Fi would be actually worse then some top Audigies.

X-Fi Xtreme Gamer is a safe choice - it is solid card and costs < 100 euro, worth it.
I have it working under Vista, no problems. Not sure how Audigies are under Vista, but considering this is technology from 2000 or 2001 (?) I would not expect they gonna support it forever, so again: X-Fi would be a safer option.
The only Vista 64-bit issue I've had with my Audigy is originally the drivers/software from Creative didn't support the midi port. That was nearly a year ago and it may be working now. I don't use it so I haven't checked or cared. Other than that, I've got no complaints.
Thanks guys. Seeing how Newegg has the Xtreme Gamer Fatality Professional for 85.00 after rebate, I don't know how I can pass that up.
