SCP 8100



Archived from groups: alt.cellular.sprintpcs (More info?)

I have a real problem hearing with this phone and after upgrading the soft
ware its no better. If I was Sanyo or Sprint, I would offer me an allowance
on a phone with a better earpiece in order to keep me as a happy Sanyo and
Sprint customer, but alas that type of thinking is old fashioned and not
going to happen so I guess I will have to just throw this one away and bite
the bullet and buy another phone. I see that Sprint is now offering the
Motorola V60v, does anyone have any feedback yet on how this phone working
out, especially the voice and sound quality?
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.sprintpcs (More info?)

In article <tu7rc.4960$>,
"pard" <> wrote:

> I have a real problem hearing with this phone and after upgrading the soft
> ware its no better. If I was Sanyo or Sprint, I would offer me an allowance
> on a phone with a better earpiece in order to keep me as a happy Sanyo and
> Sprint customer, but alas that type of thinking is old fashioned and not
> going to happen so I guess I will have to just throw this one away and bite
> the bullet and buy another phone. I see that Sprint is now offering the
> Motorola V60v, does anyone have any feedback yet on how this phone working
> out, especially the voice and sound quality?

You ought to be able to get a few bucks for your Sanyo 8100 if you sold
it on Ebay, assuming your SprintPCS account is in good standing, and
someone else could activate the phone without problem.
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.sprintpcs (More info?)

"pard" <> wrote in message
> I have a real problem hearing with this phone and after upgrading the soft
> ware its no better. If I was Sanyo or Sprint, I would offer me an
> on a phone with a better earpiece in order to keep me as a happy Sanyo and
> Sprint customer, but alas that type of thinking is old fashioned and not
> going to happen so I guess I will have to just throw this one away and
> the bullet and buy another phone. I see that Sprint is now offering the
> Motorola V60v, does anyone have any feedback yet on how this phone working
> out, especially the voice and sound quality?

It might help, if you put the phone speaker hole over your ear ... :)

If you've had the same phone number on that 8100 for 18 months or longer,
you are eligible for a $150 mail in rebate.

Archived from groups: alt.cellular.sprintpcs (More info?)

Early reviews on sprintuserinfo (i tinh or maybe sprintuser) gave it
high marks for call quality and in early tests was in service in what
was previously considered a sprint no service area. That was my
experience with the moto p8767. I ordered a v60v Friday and hopefully
if they do not run out (I was told they are almost sold out, in under
a week) I post a review soon. I live a really bad Sprint coverage
area. My Timeport 8767 gets OK coverage where friends/family with
other model sanyo, samsung, nokia phones are out of service. I will
know pretty quickly if the new pone is as good or better than the
older model


\"pard" <> wrote in message news:<tu7rc.4960$>...
> I have a real problem hearing with this phone and after upgrading the soft
> ware its no better. If I was Sanyo or Sprint, I would offer me an allowance
> on a phone with a better earpiece in order to keep me as a happy Sanyo and
> Sprint customer, but alas that type of thinking is old fashioned and not
> going to happen so I guess I will have to just throw this one away and bite
> the bullet and buy another phone. I see that Sprint is now offering the
> Motorola V60v, does anyone have any feedback yet on how this phone working
> out, especially the voice and sound quality?
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.sprintpcs (More info?)

Call and tel the telsales folks your problem, I had them give me free
stuff before. Of course I have been a heavy user on sprint since
1997, you milage may vary

"Bob Smith" <> wrote in message news:<jQ7rc.2786$>...
> "pard" <> wrote in message
> news:tu7rc.4960$
> > I have a real problem hearing with this phone and after upgrading the soft
> > ware its no better. If I was Sanyo or Sprint, I would offer me an
> allowance
> > on a phone with a better earpiece in order to keep me as a happy Sanyo and
> > Sprint customer, but alas that type of thinking is old fashioned and not
> > going to happen so I guess I will have to just throw this one away and
> bite
> > the bullet and buy another phone. I see that Sprint is now offering the
> > Motorola V60v, does anyone have any feedback yet on how this phone working
> > out, especially the voice and sound quality?
> It might help, if you put the phone speaker hole over your ear ... :)
> If you've had the same phone number on that 8100 for 18 months or longer,
> you are eligible for a $150 mail in rebate.
> Bob
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.sprintpcs (More info?) (pard) wrote:
<<I have a real problem hearing with this phone and after upgrading the
soft ware its no better. (snip) >>

Not to sound like a flame... but I thought the Sanyo 8100 had a very
loud earpiece... especially compared to the 5300 (original firmware
version) and the 4900. Maybe you have a lemon phone and should try a
different one. Selling it should be no problem on ebay if your account
is in good standing... if its not and you try selling it, Sprint will
not activate the ESN for a new user.

The Samsung phones usually have a very good earpiece volume level... and
the Nokias as well. I am not familair with Motorolas, but a friend has
a V60 on Tracfone, and its earpiece volume is acceptable, but may be too
soft in very loud settings.

Archived from groups: alt.cellular.sprintpcs (More info?) (Eric) wrote in news:9179-40AF9318-82@storefull-

> (pard) wrote:
> <<I have a real problem hearing with this phone and after upgrading the
> soft ware its no better. (snip) >>
> Not to sound like a flame... but I thought the Sanyo 8100 had a very
> loud earpiece... especially compared to the 5300 (original firmware
> version) and the 4900. Maybe you have a lemon phone and should try a
> different one. Selling it should be no problem on ebay if your account
> is in good standing... if its not and you try selling it, Sprint will
> not activate the ESN for a new user.
> The Samsung phones usually have a very good earpiece volume level... and
> the Nokias as well. I am not familair with Motorolas, but a friend has
> a V60 on Tracfone, and its earpiece volume is acceptable, but may be too
> soft in very loud settings.
> Eric

The Sanyo 8100 I had my car passengers could hear the conversation Same
with the 8200
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.sprintpcs (More info?)

In article <>, (Eric) wrote:

> (pard) wrote:
> <<I have a real problem hearing with this phone and after upgrading the
> soft ware its no better. (snip) >>
> Not to sound like a flame... but I thought the Sanyo 8100 had a very
> loud earpiece... especially compared to the 5300 (original firmware
> version) and the 4900. Maybe you have a lemon phone and should try a
> different one. Selling it should be no problem on ebay if your account
> is in good standing... if its not and you try selling it, Sprint will
> not activate the ESN for a new user.
> The Samsung phones usually have a very good earpiece volume level... and
> the Nokias as well. I am not familair with Motorolas, but a friend has
> a V60 on Tracfone, and its earpiece volume is acceptable, but may be too
> soft in very loud settings.
> Eric

The Sanyo 8100 has one tiny hole for its earpiece, and depending on how
one holds the phone to their ear, ones' perception of its loudness and
clarity can vary; and different descriptions may be equally valid within
the paradigm of one person.
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.sprintpcs (More info?) (Robert M) wrote:
> The Sanyo 8100 has one tiny hole for its
> earpiece, and depending on how one holds
> the phone to their ear, ones' perception of its
> loudness and clarity can vary; and different
> descriptions may be equally valid within the
> paradigm of one person.

That is correct. I had forgotten about the one hole earpiece. Sanyos
are infamous for having their "sweet spots"... but in the case of the
8100, if you position it correctly, the earpiece can be very loud.
Still, Sanyo should consider making a change in the design of their
phones due to the fact that many people have noticed this (one hole
design) and have spoken up about it.

Archived from groups: alt.cellular.sprintpcs (More info?)

In article <>, (Eric) wrote:

> (Robert M) wrote:
> > The Sanyo 8100 has one tiny hole for its
> > earpiece, and depending on how one holds
> > the phone to their ear, ones' perception of its
> > loudness and clarity can vary; and different
> > descriptions may be equally valid within the
> > paradigm of one person.
> That is correct. I had forgotten about the one hole earpiece. Sanyos
> are infamous for having their "sweet spots"... but in the case of the
> 8100, if you position it correctly, the earpiece can be very loud.
> Still, Sanyo should consider making a change in the design of their
> phones due to the fact that many people have noticed this (one hole
> design) and have spoken up about it.
> Eric

Well Sanyo did. The 8200 has three tiny holes for the earpiece, although
they are off center, so as to make for an nonintuitive sweet spot.
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.sprintpcs (More info?)

the problem I have had has to do with the small sweet spot and the quality
of the sound itself, not the volume. It really isn't a problem when you are
in a nice quiet room and talking to someone on a good land phone, but in any
situation where there is some ambient noise and especially if you are
talking to someone on another cell phone, I can hardly carry on a
conversation. I am moving the earpiece back and forth and up and down and
trying to adjust the volume up so as to hear and down to avoid the tinny
squelch. I usually just give up and say I'll call you later on a land line.
It really is annoying. I had an Samsung A-460 before and it was much better.
The ironic thing is; the Sanyo 8100 can call or receive in a concrete bunker
but that's not worth much if you can't make out what the caller is saying.
"Røbert M" <> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> (Eric) wrote:
> > (Robert M) wrote:
> > > The Sanyo 8100 has one tiny hole for its
> > > earpiece, and depending on how one holds
> > > the phone to their ear, ones' perception of its
> > > loudness and clarity can vary; and different
> > > descriptions may be equally valid within the
> > > paradigm of one person.
> >
> > That is correct. I had forgotten about the one hole earpiece. Sanyos
> > are infamous for having their "sweet spots"... but in the case of the
> > 8100, if you position it correctly, the earpiece can be very loud.
> > Still, Sanyo should consider making a change in the design of their
> > phones due to the fact that many people have noticed this (one hole
> > design) and have spoken up about it.
> >
> > Eric
> Well Sanyo did. The 8200 has three tiny holes for the earpiece, although
> they are off center, so as to make for an nonintuitive sweet spot.
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.sprintpcs (More info?)

In article <C8ssc.37946$>,
"mick" <> wrote:

> the problem I have had has to do with the small sweet spot and the quality
> of the sound itself, not the volume. It really isn't a problem when you are
> in a nice quiet room and talking to someone on a good land phone, but in any
> situation where there is some ambient noise and especially if you are
> talking to someone on another cell phone, I can hardly carry on a
> conversation. I am moving the earpiece back and forth and up and down and
> trying to adjust the volume up so as to hear and down to avoid the tinny
> squelch. I usually just give up and say I'll call you later on a land line.
> It really is annoying. I had an Samsung A-460 before and it was much better.
> The ironic thing is; the Sanyo 8100 can call or receive in a concrete bunker
> but that's not worth much if you can't make out what the caller is saying.
> (pard)

Unlike the network which can vary or degrade with time, the sound
qualities of the 8100 are well known, and perhaps should have been
better tested by you in your 14 day trial period when you first got your
8100. You can always get an over the ear earpiece that may improve your
ability to conduct conversations. Even some of the $10 ones can be good.
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.sprintpcs (More info?)

In article <>, says...
> the sound
> qualities of the 8100 are well known, and perhaps should have been
> better tested by you in your 14 day trial period when you first got your
> 8100.

This from the same poster who complains of "blame the customer"
attitudes from SPCS.

I wonder if it's possible Sanyo designed the earpiece to *not* be
held directly against the ear? It's only a thought, and I have no
way to confirm or refute it.

I work for Sprint PCS
I *don't* speak for them