Should I buy a Macbook pro or a Windows 10 Laptop? New or used?


Jul 23, 2015
I will be starting college next year and I need a laptop that will withstand a lot of work on it

I will also be using it as a tv to watch movies and tv shows on it so I keep it on for long periods of time

I am also on a budget and I can't afford really expensive laptops

Hello HSAhmed

Both the platforms are different from each other and honestly, both have their pros and cons. Where Mac laptops are smoother to use, Windows provides a user-friendly interface and has wide range of supported apps.

That being said, such vague comparison among the two computer giants is next to impossible.

However many times it is seen that Windows PCs are a bit cheaper as compared to Mac. If your budget is limited, I would recommend you to for a Windows-based laptop.

About buying a new or used laptop, no matter which laptop you choose, I would recommend you to go for a new one, especially when you intend to use is extensively. You can go for a used one but only when the source is trusted.

Hope this helps. Good Luck!! :)
Hello HSAhmed

Both the platforms are different from each other and honestly, both have their pros and cons. Where Mac laptops are smoother to use, Windows provides a user-friendly interface and has wide range of supported apps.

That being said, such vague comparison among the two computer giants is next to impossible.

However many times it is seen that Windows PCs are a bit cheaper as compared to Mac. If your budget is limited, I would recommend you to for a Windows-based laptop.

About buying a new or used laptop, no matter which laptop you choose, I would recommend you to go for a new one, especially when you intend to use is extensively. You can go for a used one but only when the source is trusted.

Hope this helps. Good Luck!! :)