Hello everybody I was wanting to get some opinions on whether I should wait until this summer to buy a new laptop. I am in college now and will be entering medical school within a year and am looking for a medium range-high range laptop that will pretty much act as my desktop. I was going to buy one now but I have been reading that this summer, a lot more sandy bridge laptops are going to become available. I am not too concerned with gaming as I do not play any high end pc games (the only games I play are on a limited basis and they are starcraft 1 and age of mythologies 1& 2), battery life is somewhat important however most of the time i will be plugged in. Performance by the processor is very important to me. I want the laptop to be fast but it doesn't have to be the top of the line. So should I wait until more sandy bridge laptops this summer, or go ahead and pull the trigger on another good laptop now? by the way my budget is around the $900 range. Also any suggested brands, makes and models would be appreciated. Thanks.