The Solution to get the Sis 740GX or 7x0GX to work with windows 7:
Even though the latest officially support OS for this graphic chipset is "Windows XP", you can get it to work with windows 7 by tricking windows 7.
Basically you need to "corrupt" the Standard VGA Graphics Adapter by replacing the vgaagp.sys file, then rebooting so it shows with an exclamation mark in the device manager, then you can point to the WINDOWS XP Driver.. if you you need the link to the drive click
If you need some steps here is what worked for me:
First download the driver from the link above (windows xp sis m760gx driver)
and extract to desktop!
1: run command prompt as administrator
2: go to <c:\windows\system32\drivers> directory
3: type: takeown /f vgapnp.sys
4: type: cacls vgapnp.sys /G <username>:F
5: Click YES
6: open the windows\system32\drivers directory and rename vgapnp.sys to oldvgapnp.sys
7: copy the the sisgrp.sys from the WinXP_2K directory of the extracted driver on the desktop to the \windows\system32\drivers directory
8: now that the sisgrp.sys driver is copied to \windows\system32\drivers rename it to vgapnp.sys
9: Reboot!
10: now go to device manager and "Standard Vga Graphics Adapter" will have an exclamation mark
11: right click and choose update and Browse to the WinXP_2K folder from the extracted sis m760gx driver
12: windows 7 will now grab the proper driver
13: Reboot when asked
Now you can have native resolution supported and better performance for win 7