Question Smartwatch recommendation with specific notifications

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Dec 10, 2019
Hello everyone,

I am looking to buy my first real smartwatch(I don't count garmin vivosmart HR as one), and I am looking to have really specific, very important notifications on it. To be honest I don't really know whats possible nowadays, and to research something this specific, it would take me a long time, so I am choosing the easy way out and hope the community with it's vast experience can help me out!

Here are the details on the notifications I'd like to receive:
1)From Gmail, from one address(account), from one or two specific sender only.
2)From text messages, the same as above, from a specific sender only.
3)From other, unpopular app, nothing specific but all the notifications.(Tradingview, but others too)
4)I would like these notifications above to be persistent. Ex. Vibrate until I acknowledge it, or to add a periodic reminder until I acnowledge it.

a)I would like to get a watch that has a longer battery life. Preferably not daily charging.
b)Play nice with Android.
c)Don't have a budget preference, but ofc I strive for bang for my buck.
d)Mobile connection(LTE) would probably be interesting as backup solution but not a must.

I currently have a Note 9, and considering how much I love this phone, I will continue on the Note line further. But if there are better options out there than Samsung smartwatches, I have nothing against it.

Thanks in advance!
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Have you looked at the various Samsung devices? They will pair nicely with your Note. Really a matter of taste and budget regarding which to pick.

The specifics you listed are quite specific. I would think you would need to make some rules within Gmail to make some of that happen. I honestly don't know if you can filter text messages as indicated, with any device.

What research have you conducted? Any options you are considering?
Have you looked at the various Samsung devices? They will pair nicely with your Note. Really a matter of taste and budget regarding which to pick.

The specifics you listed are quite specific. I would think you would need to make some rules within Gmail to make some of that happen. I honestly don't know if you can filter text messages as indicated, with any device.

What research have you conducted? Any options you are considering?
Thanks for your reply! I finally decided to wait and see the Galaxy watch 2,subject to possibly release with the S11/S20.
I was hoping it's a basic wear os or tizen kind of option what the phone sends or what the watch ignores... Guess the tech isn't there yet for me,not sure I need a watch without these notification options...
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