Sony Could Start Banning Hacked, Jailbroken PS3s

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Aug 6, 2010
I also don't see why the MAC address matters on the PS if it is behind a router. Only the router's MAC address is visible from the outside, or am I missing something here? I simply cannot see how it is possible to see the MAC address of a computer that is behind a router.

The Console would be passing what ever information Sony is recording at the time the PSN connection is initiated. This could potentially contain the MAC address of the device wanting to authenticate with the PSN, or it could be some other unique ID for that particular PS3. Sony would just ban it using that method... by not allowing the Console to authenticate to PSN, ever.


Mar 25, 2010
[citation][nom]miicah[/nom]Would it be possible to play your "backed-up" games offline and then put legit ones in to play online?[/citation]

Doubt it. The firmware of the hardware will be reported to Sony, and not the games data.


Mar 25, 2008
[citation][nom]guanyu210379[/nom]This dongle is proven only usefull for piracy.If you are using and wanna keep using legitimate copies, you don't have even to bother buying the USB dongle.[/citation]

That stance is total crap and you sound like a blind and obsessive fanboy of Sony's. I guess all firearms in the world are only used to murder people and they are never owned or used by people wanting to do good(like law-abiding citizens, law enforcement, etc). I guess guess that everyone who possess a knife is looking for their next person to stab, and not using their knives in a legal and ethical manner.

I own many firearms, but I have yet to murder anyone. I also own a number of knifes and other weapons, yet I have never used them in a manner contrary to law or moral/ethical standards.

I see no problem with this USB device. It gives people functionality that should already exist. I, and all other that purchase a PS3(and other gaming consoles) own these consoles and we have the right to do with it whatever we wish. Am I allowed to obtain images of gaming that I did not purchase? No, but I do(as does everyone else) have the right to backup our games. I paid $60 USD and up for these games, and I have the right to protect my purchase.

I do not care of there are people that are going to abuse this USB device. I only care that I will not abuse it and I will only be making backups of the games I own, for my financial protection. Now, if Sony wants to start promising customers that we can obtain an unlimited number of backups, directly from Sony, when and if the games become unplayable, then fine. The fact is that they will not, so I am going to do whatever it takes to protect my interest.


Mar 25, 2010
[citation][nom]hoofhearted[/nom]Wasn't there some legislation that allowed jailbreaking recently? Would that apply here?[/citation]

As far as i know the laws were dealing with jailbreaking features out that were locked out by the service provider. And in this case they wouldn't have to let your on their network with a jailbroken PS3, but they couldn't remote brick your box.


Aug 24, 2010
If sony does that Ill sell my ps3 and never buy a PS again. No im not a pirate. I already don't buy anything sony, cause of the quality issues I have with them (I'm on my 3rd PS3). I only buy the PS series cause I can't play certain games on the PC, they're not ported, like Final Fantasy, Madden (now), God of War, etc.. If they made all these games for the PC I would only have a PC. "AND THE MAIN REASON FOR USB JAIL BREAK FOR ME IS TO PUT EVERYTHING ON THE HD." Just like 4 my PC I own all my games, I just use cracks so I don't have to put in the cd/dvd, it keeps them in prestine condition. "THE KIDS WON'T/CAN'T MESS THE DISCs UP AND FOR A TRIAL." Gamestop trial boths never work and/or only have certain games



Apr 14, 2010
so what the guys need to do is make otheros come back to life with this thing.That way we could have back what sony took away, using a tool they were afraid of to do it!I don't condone piracy but would buy one of these to get otheros back if future revisions support it.


Jul 20, 2006
Uh, if you have a hacked wii, and a hacked xbox360, also having a hacked ps3 is kinda moot considering most of the games in this console generation overlap.

PS3 really fudged themselves when they forgot to generate masses of exclusive 5 star games. With their console now costing $350, you could've gotten a $200 wii when it came out at that price, and the xbox arcade being $150 - it's really a no-brainer.

You get the unique wii control and it's exclusive Nintendo franchises, you get the xbox with it's mature content and PC link - what need would a person have really to buy a PS3 now that it's been hacked? I'll admit, it's a tempting thought, but it's clearly just a waste at this point.

However on the flipside, sony did well with it's protection scheme because since they were selling at a loss, they needed the revenue from software sales. If nintendo and MS were making money off the console itself, clearly the protection would've been weak because they could be making money off 300 million units.

Either way, people as a whole need to change the direction the world is heading in because this is only going to get far worse. If the governments of the world don't help out the people as a whole then they're going to be extremely sorry once we get out into space because then they're REALLY going to have a problem tracking people. What they do to us now is going to be reflected and magnified back at them once we reach that point as a civilization. Obviously if we all had decent jobs we would easily be paying for the software.

I'm hoping that bill gates is right when he said in a few years education will be considered anything someone has learned and more people who are actually educated get the jobs they deserve so we can all move forward.

Remember when piracy was only on IRC and just a handful of people knew about it? Now look at this - 1/3 of gamers are pirates. The piratebay had 26 million users at one point and it's only going to go up from there.



Jun 25, 2010
next world of warcraft is gonna lock your computer out from the internet if you have other mmos on your pc who the fuck do they think they are who wants to buy hardware that you are automatically locked out from unless your an apple fanboy this is a huge turnoff, would make me rethink buying consoles from microsoft and sony in the future
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