Sony VAIO Operating system not found


Sep 11, 2013
My newly bought (2 weeks old) Sony Vaio SVT13132PXS won't boot, I get a message that the operating system can't be found.

-First I thought it was a misplaced HD so I opened it up and checked all the connections, which seemed to be fine. Still didn't work.
-I accessed the BIOs recently just to see that the harddrive(s?) was there, but it only found the 24 gb SSD disk. It should be able to find both disks in the bios or? (The other one is a 500 gb regular drive)

Is it my operating system? Has the bigger drive been damaged i.e. dead? Can I maybe install the OS on the SSD or is it already installed there?

In dire need of help, appreciative of any kind of assistance I can get. Really need to get it working again for school.

Thanks in advance!

where is ur os stored on the ssd or the hdd?can u see the hdd in bios?
I don't know where it's stored unfortunately, you'd presume it's on the SSD 24 gb but then you would think it should start.

I can see the one 24 gb SSD in the bios but not the larger 500 gb one. The computer is constantly beeping as well

remove ur hdd and connect it back again.

sorry didnt see that.if you could try ur hdd on another laptop or pc.if its still under waranty get it replace.for the mean time u could install os on the ssd
I had the same problem, my Vaio E series crashed almost the same day as yours without apparent reason. I tried to connect HDD over enclosure to 2 other laptops and it wasn't possible.BIOS can see it but windows 8 can't start , I just get the message "operating system not found".
For a brief moment other laptop recognized HDD as H drive but I couldn't open the folder. Enclosure is 100% working as I tested it with another HDD, from another laptop.
I returned it to the store , let's see what they are going to do