Speaker Tone Control

jcspirited 77

Apr 24, 2012
I am trying to wire a tone control in a speaker cabinet of mine. It is an 8 ohm speaker that has a little to much high end. The amp that I am using has no tone control, or it wouldn't be a problem. Something in the line of a potentiometer and a capacitor. I tried wiring one in connected to the positive side of the speaker to the potentiometer. The capacitor to the other lug to ground, didn't work. Any info would be helpful
You will not be able to put a tone control in the speaker line due to the high signal levels and low impedances involved.
The place for the tone control would be between the source and the amplifier.


You will not be able to put a tone control in the speaker line due to the high signal levels and low impedances involved.
The place for the tone control would be between the source and the amplifier.

jcspirited 77

Apr 24, 2012
Thanks for the info. My next move was to see about some typ of roll off.
I checked out the link, that was helpfull. I by no means am a sound tech. Useing the calculator on one of the web pages. I need a typ of coil (to crossover the high frequencies I don't want) in series with the speaker. With that said, would you mind double checking my findings once I have a chance to figure them out.
So for:
Using an amp with 250 watts per channel. One 12" 8 ohm speaker per channle figures out around 45 volts per channel. So I will need at lest a 45 volt ( I will use 50 volt) cap. or inductor.
My speakers are rated at 55-5000 Hz. frequency response. The highs have a buzz like sound. So I want to roll off ( crossover ) some of the highs. I am thinking I don't want anything higher then 2000 or 3000 Hz. My even be more like 900 or 1000, don't know. The calculator on this web page
gives me this:
900 Hz. 22.11 cap - 1.41 inductor coil
1000 Hz. 19.89 cap - 1.27 inductor
2000 Hz. 9.95 cap - 0.64 inductor
3000 Hz. 6.63 cap - 0.42 inductor
The cap ( capacitor ) rolls off the lows. The inductor coil rolls off the highs.